Because how other to name the situation, when on January 23 2025 year. in the Parliament the question about this, “what is the position of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Polish Government in the ratification of this agreement?” is asked by a member of the governing party. Club Parliamentary Coalition
Civic Piotr Głowski?
Let’s remind, this position is known for since 26 November 2024 year,
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There is the state of government ws. Mercosur! Has the minister made the promise to farmers ?
What more to such question followed by a coalition colleague, Member Glowski, answers Deputy Minister of Agriculture Adam Nowak as follows:
– In response to the question presented by the member, I would unambiguously say, that the key document, that determines the position of both the government, as and the individual ministries is the position of November, which ambiguously indicates on risks, on elements, which are unfavorable for Poland agriculture, Poland consumers, the Polish economy in the current present, in the revised draft contract European Union – Mercosur. We thank for this question, because we have a opportunity to clearly indicate these elements, these areas, which we also have in this Statement of the Council Ministers have been recognized.
Further Deputy Minister Nowak explains, that
– Our main concerns and doubt are about the excessive size of some offered to countries Mercosur tariff quotas in access to the EU market, and this particularly affects the ssector of poultry meat, that is that sector, which, we can say, through 20 years of Poland’s presence in the European Union has been particularly successful, that total target volume of contingents on this meat has been indicated at level 180 t. t, and the absence of resolving the problem of unequal conditions of competition. This affects the possible to apply measures of production. This also affects the possibility of control and verificationThe safety of food at every stage, from the field to the table, as it happens in the European Union, thanks to the efficiency of European institutions, a which we are not able to verify, prove and provide to European consumers unfortunately in this form and in this shape.
It is also worth adding, to recall attention to different standards related to sustainable development, animal welfare, environmental issues, the scope and the list of permissible measures for protection of plants and actives, which also raises reasonable concerns. In the ministry assessment of agriculture, which we conducted, threats to the Polish agricultural sector also the meat sector. A particular concern affects the priciest parts of meat, which transfer to the European and Polish market. So we must talk not only about the quota in quantitative, but also in qualitative and price for particular meat.
We would also continue Adam Nowak -. return special attention to the risk of a serious increase in imports from Mercosur countries directly to the Polish market in the titon sector. Already today this import is significant, now this is about. 1/3 of imports from third countries. With liberalization of trade, with additional preferences, which this agreement would bring to this sector, we would have an almost complete takeover of the market by tobacco originating from countries of South America.
Further Deputy Minister Nowak indicated, that if we are talking about pork meat, the contractual free quotas have no practical implications today due to the absence of allowing import into the EU market because of fulfillment of veterinary requirements, sanitary requirements.
Another important for Poland area, in which there is risk, that in the relationship with Mercosur it may deteriorate the market situation in the sector, is the sugar market. (…)
If we are talking about the grain sector, the Union – Mercosur agreement excludes basically from concessions wheat. The proposed free tariff quota on corn does not have economic implications so long, how long the European Union has applied a zero rate tariff on imports of corn erga omnes, a in this case we have to deal with.
Summarizing, Adam Nowak has stated, that the Polish government still does not have an contract in the full sound in the Polish language!
– Of course.we have some provisional translations, but there is also the issue of some additional protocols, additional elements of this continues. On the other hand I would like to draw attention to a key issue concerning the form of this contract, which, what it is worth to add, is not known yet. The Commission has not transmitted the comprehensive, consolidated draft of the contract, and it is decided, that the contract will enter into effect. Of course we are conducting discussions at the government level with equivalent agricultural ministers. We also conduct informal discussions with members of the European Parliament and can indicate, that even there are some MEPs from countries supporting the Mercosur Agreement, who express strong opposition. This is mainly a group of parliamentarians affiliated with the agricultural sector. There is also a strong voice of farmer organizations, even from countries such as Spain or Germany, which in principle
this agreement supports, expressing concerns and doubt. And therefore we are still in this process
– stated the deputy minister.
But about the concrete effects of this activity has not said
any more.
Summarizing his deputy Minister Nowak has prompted even all the planned questions by Member Glowski , which Member himself followed – without seeing – he admitted.
No concretes
In the second half of January 2025 year, after over three weeks of the Polish presidency, a much more important question than what is the position of the government, seems to be the question” what new in the Mercosur issue? Do we already have certainty, that this agreement will not come to life in the proposed form? What scenarios are prepared for, if it concerns the blocking of this agreement?
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Contract UE-Mercosur. There are 3 models of ratifying the agreement
Whether the Thursday stipulation was intended to cover the not well appreciated by the opposition appearance of Prime Minister Donald Tusk in the European Parliament, which had taken place the day before?
– If today for all this, what happened in the European Union in the lastyears happened, reports Donald Tusk, Ursula von der Leyen and Angela Merkel and we really have degraded and politically, and economic, that would begin with the word “I’m sorry, we were wrong, we were wrong, the migration policy, the Green Lad was a mistake, we withdrew from that.” that would be a good opening – said agency information Newseria Waldemar Buda, Member of the European Parliament of Law and Justice.
– From the point of view of Poland there is no clear declaration, that the Mercosur issue will be placed in this month to the Council, it will be blocked and there will be less blocked together with Poland. Such announcement we have not heard – stated Waldemar Buda.
A what, if there is about trade with Ukraine?
During Thursday’s speech in the Sejm Vice Minister Nowak “hooked” also on the issue of perspectives on trade with Ukraine. But only literally “hooked”.
– Talks we treat much more broadly.
We don’t talk only about the Union – Mercosur, which is particularly risky, if it is about the scale of this
activity It is also important the perspective of other agreements with third countries – he admitted.
He mentioned there was a so-called.theDCFTA agreement.Remember,until5Junetheregulationsinthisareaare in forcerelatedtoautonomoustrade measures,afterthisperiodthesewillstopbe in force.
UnfortunatelyDeputy MinisterNowakdiscussedthistopic,aandmembersalsodidn’task.
InthenextThursdayMEPstoPEwill discusstheimpactofMercosur’sagreementontheagricultural-foodsectorwithCommissionerHansenandCommissionerds.tradeandsecurityeconomicMarošŠefčovič.
TheEUhas reachedapoliticalagreementwithMercosurcountriesonapartnership agreement6December2024. Asreadininformationsubmittedtomedia,TheEuropeanParliamentwillstarttheproceduretogiveagreementontheagreementaftercompletionoflegalandinterpretationbytheCommissionandsubmissiontotheCouncilandParliament.