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- Surveys of 2022 year indicate, that after the imposition of mandatory medical examinations for hunters possessing weapons will lead to drastic reduction of the number of active hunters
- this will be related to unrecoverable
losses, social and economic
In its posting in social media Institute stresses, that representatives of the resort agriculture do not cover this, that in the proposed changes to the regulations is no longer about increasing safety on hunting (since eventual accidents have no relationship to the state of health
of hunters), but about the impact on the unfriendly sector rural and hunting environment.
Read more Why doesn’t hunters want cyclic learning tests ? Expert explains
The voice of the public
As the Institute points out, the same draft law has meet with critical appraisal during the community consultations. In the view of its representatives this fact sort of compromises the previous survey, according to which the public would demand the imposition of such surveys.
Also the representatives of the Office of Expertise and Evaluation of Regulatory Effects of the Parliament have noted the fact that the proposed in the project regulations would be one of the harshest in Europe, a entry into the life of the research obligation would induce a range of negative consequences, such legal and social, as and economic. An example is there for example the position of Commander of General Police, who has stated, that the entry in the life of new regulations would impose on functionaries a huge additional work, that would be difficult to reduce.would be affected by other policing activities.
How would the research ban affect hunting?
Presenters of Institute also reported the results of research opinions on the issue of renewal every five years (for people over 70 years old every 2 years) of medical examinations by people with permission to possess weapons. According to the results of this analysis 20 percent of surveyed responded ambiguously, that they do not intend to renew the permit to possess weapons by submitting to mandatory testing. This is equivalent to the loss of 20 proc. the population of active hunters. Another 23 proc. stated, that they have not yet decided whether the permit will be renewed, or will not. So this adds another few – percent of hunters, who finally will renew permits.
The authors
of the analysis took into consideration also the accessibility of the survey in convenient for hunters distance (assumed there is a
distance of 30 km). More than 1/3 of
the study group responded, that at such distance they don’t have the possibility to conduct research.
Not this is with certainty concern for a subset of the population of undecided hunters, who finally decide to submit to research. 2/3 respondents also have questions about the objectivity and reliability of the research.
Read more On Thursday the first reading of the Poland Law 2050 on mandatory examinations for hunters
Will we lose ¼ population of hunters?
In the conclusions of the study we read, that the entry into life of mandatory medical examinations for hunters could cost us 25 percent. the population of hunters to date:
– Loss of one quarter of people involved in implementing tasks of hunting management, in this in particular in the payment of compensation for hunting damages, and conducting commissioned sanitary shooting in the reduction epidemic ASF, should beconsider a loss significant. Loss 25% of assets among human resources, without regarding their involvement and the place occupied in the organizational structure, at only not generating costs, should be considered as a dramatic loss
for the implementation of each enterprise and each organization – read in the report.
At the same time the authors of the report point out the fact, that the
possible loss of hunter does not
affect only people of advanced age. The percentage of people declaring not to test is
similarinmostagegroups,buthighestforpeopleinthe50-60 age range.Aaccordingtotheauthorsof thereportthisgroupiskeytoimplementingtheprinciplesofhunting-theyarebecausepeopleofstabilizedprofessionalandfamily situations,aonlyenoughyoungtoperformtheirresponsibilitieswithfullcommitment.