
The number of pre-orders of Samsung’s new flagship Samsung is 3-4.5 times morethanlast year’s figures

Количество предзаказов нового флагмана Samsung в 3—4,5 раза превысило прошлогодние показатели

While it is new selling for 14% more priced than the previous flagship Samsung, report “Izvestia“. Arcansel/Shutterstock/Fotodom


Russian retailers have launched a pre-order of the new flagship Samsung Galaxy S25 smartphone. The new gadget has already noticeably overtaken the predecessor – Galaxy S24. So, in MTS for not a full week from the start of the pre-order number of applications for S25 was in 4,5 times higher than on S24 in the pre-order period in January 2024 year.

In M.Video-Eldorado Demand for Galaxy S25 increased by 45% compared with pre-orders for the previous flagship of Samsung. In “Vimpelcom” (owns salons “Beeline”) interest in the new model smartphone increased in 3 fold. And in “Citilink” – almost in 5 fold.

In the IV quarter Samsung revenue increased by 12%.

In theIfinancial quarterApplerevenue increasedby4%.

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