Mark Formelle has launched a new collection “Belovezhskaya Pushcha”, inspired by the beauty and natural richness of one of the most ancient forested massifs of Europe, which is the national property of Belarus.
Belovezhskaya Pushcha is not just a mighty forest, but a living symbol of nature,A monument of her power and harmony, because it is in this place that she has saved her power. Hundreds of species of animals and birds habit in the wilderness, and in its clouds you can find trees that have preserved the memory of this place.
The main heroes of the collection are representatives of the rich fauna of the wilderness: in the reserve free deer neighborhood with strong
wolves, cunning foxes and, of course
also, majestic tooths – they are called
kings of the forest, the
symbol and the protector of
the woods.
“Detailed prints with images of these animals have become the central element of the new brand’s capsule. Belovezhskaya Pushcha is one of the few places on our planet where it is still possible to see tooths in their natural habitat. The Collection combines in the calmness of the forest, the grace and the power of its habitats and becomes a reminder of that, that we are partof nature, and our task is to respect and keep it safe, ” said Mark Formelle.
The collection includes hoodies, sweatshirts, t-shirts for women, men and children. Simple, but elegant silhouettes make clothing suitable for both women and children.
The Collection was chosen in a restrained color gamma, which is inspiredbynature itself.
The capsule “Belovezhskaya Pushcha”is already available inMarkFormelleMarkMarkFormellestoresinallBelarus.Collectionalsocanorderintheinternet-shopmarkformelle.comwiththe possibilityofselectingacomfortablemethodofdelivery.