“Minsk Chladokombinat #2”, which is the owner of the network of stores “Radziwillovsky” has began to renew the same trade brand. Shop #5 in Minsk in Minsk on Mazurova Street,
2 has updated internal design and external decoration.
According to Belretail.by, all 12 12 stores which are managed by “Minsk Chladokombinat #2” will operate under the new brand “Radziwillowski.”
At the time the
publication of the new design
format is open in a
new design format.format opened only
two stores in Minsk on
the L. Mazurova, 2 and Beletskogo, 28.
The state-owned trade network “Radziwillowski” transferred under the management of “Minsk Chladokombinat#2″in2021year.A part oftradingpointswasgiventootherretailers.Todaythetraderegistercounts18storesofKhladkombinat,butonthewebsiteonly12stores are listed.AlltheywillbereformattedtothenewdesignTM”Radziwillowski”