Belarusian fixed-price store chain Tri Prices, which is a competitor of Russian Fix Price and Galamart, plans to open 220 stores in Russia, reports Shopper’s.
Now eight Tri Prices stores are open. The first was opened in Vladimir on 9 October last year.
The retailer is actively looking for specialists to develop the network in nine cities in Russia, among Moscow, St. Petersburg and cities in these areas.
On its plans to enter the Russian market the company announced in the summer of last year. Founder of the network Vitaly Sobolevsky Sobolevsky reported: “We set our goal to achieve turnover of $1 $1 billion in the Russian market and to become the No.2 player in the fixed/low price segment.”
According to data of the trade register at the beginning of 2025 year the net “Tri prices” counted in Belarus 342 stores in 150 cities. For a year the number of stores increased by more than 40 trading points.
According to data research of financial indicators of trading networks in Belarus, conducted Belretail.by, retailers working in the format of fixed prices have the best indicators of vale profit. By 2023 year the maximum valueprofitisshownbyTriPriceandFIXPrice.Allotheroperatorsarefarfromthembymorethan10p.p.