
The MSU study: what influences the online purchases of senior generations?

Исследование МГУ: что влияет на онлайн-покупки старшего поколения?

Presentatives of NOSH “Brain, cognitive systems, artificial intelligence” M. M. M. V. Lomonosov published the results of a scale study to explore the factors influencing online behavior of older ageindividuals.

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It turns out that the senior generation, also known as “silver consumers,” is becoming an increasingly important audience for online retailers. It has traditionally been thought that older people are less ready to use digital technology. The pandemic COVID-19 has, however, changed this prediction.

The restrictive measures forced older age people to actively explore internet shopping, to minimize personal contacts and risks of infection. Nevertheless, despite the increase in the number of older online shoppers, this audience remains wary. After the pandemic end of the pandemic, part of the “silver consumers” have returned to offline shopping, which has emphasized the importance of removing barriers and increasing the attractiveness of online shopping for the senior generation.

The Survey showed that participation of older age individuals in online shopping is determined by a combination of a number of factors. The key aspects influencing their behavior are the perception of benefits, the perception of benefits, the perception of their behavior .risk, individualized specialties and social support.

Elderly consumers appreciate the convenience, savings of time and wide assortment that are offered in online stores. The ability to select more favorable priced offers is also a significant incentive. Some of they noted that the process of shopping on the Internet could be enjoyable.

But cautiousness causes the perception of risks, such as fears of security of payment data, lack of confidence in quality and performance of products, and also the complexity of working with interfaces platforms. Many older users prefer to pay pay when received, to minimize financial risk.

Individual peculiarities also play an important role. The higher the level of knowledge of internet technology, the more likely to participate in

Social support from children or grandchildren is often the first point for the first purchases on the Internet. But such purchases are rarely grown into a regular practice, unless older people become more self-reliant in mastering online platforms.

Research not only demonstrates the key barriers and motivations, but also offers solutions for their overcoming. Such as online retailers are advised to focus on payment security, provide security to payments, provideDetailed descriptions of goods, and also offer instructions on placing orders. Training programs on working with electronic commerce platforms, courses to increase digital literacy and clear interfaces can significantly increase involvement of the older generation in online shopping.

“On the one side, online shopping improves the quality of life of older people, especially those who struggle with limited mobility. On the other hand, purchasing in the digital space involves a lot of risks, first and foremost with the possible fraud. Our research shows that a positive first purchase experience is often the first purchase of “silver consumers” the reward point for furthersafeexplorationofonline retail.It is thereforeimportantthatlargetradingcompanies,publicorganizationsand familymembershelptheseniorgenerationwith thefirststepsin online shopping, -saidAlexanderPakhalov,aresearcherfellowoftheLaboratoryInstitutionalanalysisoftheEconomicFacultyofMSU.

The authors of thestudyemphasize theneed for acomprehensiveapproach:increasingaccessibilityofonline resources,consideringthepsychologicaland socialpeculiaritiesofthesenioraudience,developingeducationalinitiatives.Thesemeasureswillhelpmakeonline shoppingnot onlyaccessible,but alsosafeand comfortablefortheseniorgeneration.

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