In response to climatic changes and and more frequent waves, the Ministry of Family, Labor and Social Policy is preparing regulations for work in high temperatures.
Climate changes are visible on our eyes, and and more frequent waves of sunburn pose a serious threat to health, also in the place of work. Heat stroke and dehydration are only some of the problems, which may occur in as a result of exposure to high temperatures. This is why the resort of labor says, that it becomes necessary to regulate work conditions in such conditions, to ensure the safety of workers.
New regulations on work. This is about supals
When when in free time we can decide for ourselves, whether to be outside, whether to shelter in cooler rooms, in work we don’t always have that possibility. This makes the creation of regulations that provide appropriate working conditions become especially important, especially in considering record temperatures, which are the result of climate changes.
The International Organization of Labor points to many effects of climate change, which have a significant impact on workers. High temperature is one of the most threats. Heat stroke, dehydration or other effects of overheating of the organism can in cases lead to death. Particularly exposed are people doing physical work outdoors, including in construction, agriculture or transportation.
In addition to this other hazards include:
- Radiation ultraviolet – can cause sunburn, and even lead to development of cancers of the skin.
- Extreme weather phenomena – such as floods, droughts, fires lashes or hurricanes.
- Smog and pollution of air – which can cause diseases of the respiratory system, problems of the heart and other diseases.
The Labor Resort invites experts to discussion
Despite winter weather, this week at Ministry Family, Labor and Social Policy held an expert meeting dedicated to work in high temperatures. It was attended by representatives of the resort, Central Institute of Labor – State Research Institute and State Inspection of Labor. Following meetings are also to be attended by representatives of the Institute of Medicine Labor.
Discussions focused on the specific solutions included in the project prepared by MRPiPS. The objective of the work is to develop aregulations, that will provide safe working conditions, protectinghealthofworkersandat the same timetakinginto accountthe needsofentrepreneurs.
Creatingsafeworkplacesisakeychallengeinthecontextofchangingclimate conditions,acollaborationofexpertsandinstitutionsiskeytoachievethisgoal.