The Ministry of Economics completed the cycle of research technical status of Soviet serial multi-apartment houses with in-depth study of buildings 104th and 119th series. In the framework of the research was performed technical examination of 20 residential buildings of these series to assess their technical status, checking mechanical strength, stability and identifying common defects that could affect their safety.The study was carried out at facilities in Riga, Riga, Jelgava and Liepaja, which were put into operation during the period from 1980 to 1992. And a survey of the nodes of one building 119th series was conducted. In the research concluded that the
bearing structures of the buildings in together comply with the requirements of mechanical strength and stability. Detected damage does not affect the safety of the buildings from their mechanical strength and stability, But some of some buildings have defects which affect the safety of operation and fire safety. Experts have concluded that the technical condition of supporting and framing structures is primarily affected by the quality of construction work, design solutions, and as well as care of
the building in the period of operation. As the main recommendations for improving the technical condition of the buildings of
these series, to ensure their appropriate and long-term operation, the researchers recommended: At the time the study did not identify typical damage to the supporting structures, which could threaten their safety. Therefore, no typical solutions for reinforcement of supporting structures were developed.Instead of this was prepared information material for in-depth research of structures of buildings of these series, and also proposals for dates
of operation, care of the buildings and cases requiring
mandatory reinforcement of structures or their nodes. Results of the study are available on the Building Information System website: https://bis.gov.lv/noderigi/daudzdzivoklu-eku-izpete. The Ministry of Economy also recalls that the surveys of multifamily houses series 316 and 318, and also their balconies
were conducted earlier in conjunction with experts. Were studied buildings series 464, 467.A, 602, 602.P and 103. With the completion of the study of the 104th and 119th series homes, a cycle of studies directed to verify the mechanical strength and stability of typical multifamily homes has been completed. According to general data from these studies, the operation of such buildings is safe. Nevertheless, the Ministry is calling for apartment owners and management
companies to attend regular and quality inspections of homes, and also not postpone
theprovisionofnecessaryrepairworktoextendtheirservice life.AllresultsofpreviousresearchandtypicalrecommendationsareavailableontheConstructionInformationsystemsite.