Arthur Karpovich, who previously served as first deputy minister until 2020 year has been appointed Chief of March March . Alexei Bogdanov is leaving to Kazakhstan in the status of Extreme and Minister Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Belarus, reports BELTA.
Before the present time Arthur Karpovich worked as advisor of the department of the Embassy of Belarus in Russia in Ufa.
Karpovich Arthur Borisovich was born in Minsk in 1973 year. In 1995 year graduated from Belarusian State Economic University with specialty “commercial activities”.
From 1995 to 2009 years he held different positions in both commercial structures and state ones.
2011-2013 years. – deputy head of the department of forecast and economic development of the chief economic department, deputy chief of the chief of the department of forecast and economic development, first deputy chief of the chief of the economic department of the Council of Ministers.
In 2013 year appointed first deputy minister of trade, and in 2016 first deputy minister of antimonopoly regulation and trade.
2019-2020 years – director of the Association of Enterprises Online Commerce.
After his appointment the new head of MART said to journalists that now more attention needs to protect the domestic market, supporting domestic manufacturers.
His view is that over the last 5 years the share of domestic manufactured goods in retail trade has significantly decreased.
“In my view, this is a big minus. Yes, our enterprises have increased their export volumes, wontheirsupplies,andthey havegainedtheirexportvolumes.newmarkets.Butalong withthatIthinkthatmoreattentionneedstoprotectthedomesticmarket,supportingourmanufacturers.Becausethetimeistough enoughtough,theyearwillbecomplicated,”saidArthurKarpovich.