
The Ministry of Agriculture reports on the eventual changes in thenitrate program.

Resort rolnictwa odpowiada w sprawie ewentualnych zmian w programie azotanowym

Reminder, that the request of KRIR concerned the question that the binding regulations resulting from the “Program of measures aimed to reduce pollution of water with origin from agricultural sources and prevent further pollution” (so-called Program ). Program of nitrate) imposes specified terms for application of organic fertilizers. However, it is emphasized on the part of farmers, that they are intended to protect the environment and prevent contamination of water, however the rigid dates introduced on the wide country do not take into account the diversity of weather and soil conditions in individual regions.

It happens that weather conditions at late autumn terms are favorable for both plants, as and the environment, however regulations prevent the use of fertilizers at such times. Farmers, working in the field, have knowledge and experience, which allow them

to evaluate, whether weather conditions allow safe and effective application of organic fertilizers – argued at then KRIR.

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The Resort of Agriculture responds on the eventual changes in the nitrate program

Now the Bureau has received a response on changes in regulations for autumn application of organic fertilizers. What has been written?

– In accordance with Article 106 of the Act. 5 of the Water Law (OJ of 2024 year. pos. 1087) “Program of activities to reduce contamination of water with nitrates originating from agricultural sources and prevent further contamination” (hereinafter: Program of actions) is reviewed every 4 years. During the review are indicated areas of the Program of activities that need updating and are analyzed

verifying the adequacy of the activities to implement the requirements of the nitrate directive, whose

objective is to reduce pollution of water with nitrates of agricultural origin – has been signed

by KIR the Ministry of Agriculture and Village Development .

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This is not the end of data reported by the resort. There are dates here.

– The last review and in its following updates the Program of activities was done in 2022 , a document was approved by Regulation of the Council of January 31 2023 year. on the “Program of measures to reduce pollution of waters with originating from agricultural sources and prevent further pollution” and has been published in the Journal of Statutes on 7 February 2023 year. (Journal of of 2024 year. position 244). During the last review analysis was done m.Among other things, data on the climate, ongoing in this changes and the state of water, and also the postulates of farmers. Based on the received results a mechanism was developed to flexible terms of fertilization in spring, while safely for environment and water. On its basis in updating the

Program of activities has introduced including flexible termination of spring fertilization – informs the Department

of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development.

I reports, that the next review Program of measures is scheduled for the year


Duringthereviewanalysiswillbe subjecttothefullcontentoftheProgramactivities-includingtheaspectsraisedinStatewritingandtheirimpactonimplementationoftheobjectivesofthenitratedirective-informsthedepartmentof agriculture.




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