
The market of online sales of goods of pseudo-daily demand for the first time exceeded 1 trillionrubles

Рынок онлайн-продаж товаров повседневного спроса впервые превысил 1 трлн рублей

In 2024 year total volume of sales in Russian market e-grocery (online trading of food food and goods first necessities) for the first time exceeded 1 trillion rubles, write “Vedomosti” with reference to data Data Insight.



According to a study by analysts, for the entire p;entire last year volume of sales increased by 44% – from 824 billion (a year earlier) to 1,2 trillion rubles. A number of orders reached 788 million – by 33% more than inSenior analyst Data Insight Olga Pashkova emphasized that the decrease in the temps of growth by the end of the year was influenced by high cost of services of delivery and shortage of couriers. But the growth rate was

According to the estimation of General Director of analytical company “INFOLine-analitika” Mikhail Burmistrov, the total volume of online sales of food goods (with including marketplaces, but without counting sales of alcohol by model of purchase online with self-delivery) increased for the

A in company “Nielsen” noted, that the online market FMCG (goods of daily demand) is growing at level 35% year to year. Online sales are particularly active online sales are developing in regions, where in 2024 year was recorded growth inat the level of 40%.

In addition, in addition, at the end of nine months 2024 year the first place in rating E-grocery Russia Top of INFOLine took “Samokat” with growth of sales year to year by 70,7% to 182,7 billion rubles. In second place was Cooper – +45.1% to 153.6 billion rubles, in third – X5 Group with delivery from Pyatyorochka, Perekryostok and online store Vprok (149.7 billion rubles, +67.8%). Fourth position of the rating is “VkusVill” with online turnover 135.4 billion rubles. (+40.5%). A fifth place – “Yandex Lavka” and Yandex Market” with total volume of sales in 95.4 billion rubles, which is by 60% more than for the same period 2023 

WorkingpeopleofRussiaspendin On average18%of salaryon online-pokupki

Online MarketplaceWildberriesequalizedvyplatyPVZfor courierand customerorders

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