In 2024 year total volume of sales in Russian market e-grocery (online trading of food food and goods first necessities) for the first time exceeded 1 trillion rubles, write “Vedomosti” with reference to data Data Insight.
According to a study by analysts, for the entire p;entire last year volume of sales increased by 44% – from 824 billion (a year earlier) to 1,2 trillion rubles. A number of orders reached 788 million – by 33% more than in
According to the estimation of General Director of analytical company “INFOLine-analitika” Mikhail Burmistrov, the total volume of online sales of food goods (with including marketplaces, but without counting sales of alcohol by model of purchase online with self-delivery) increased for the A in company “Nielsen” noted, that the online market FMCG (goods of daily demand) is growing at level 35% year to year. Online sales are particularly active online sales are developing in regions, where in 2024 year was recorded growth inat the level of 40%. In addition, in addition, at the end of nine months 2024 year the first place in rating E-grocery Russia Top of INFOLine took “Samokat” with growth of sales year to year by 70,7% to 182,7 billion rubles. In second place was Cooper – +45.1% to 153.6 billion rubles, in third – X5 Group with delivery from Pyatyorochka, Perekryostok and online store Vprok (149.7 billion rubles, +67.8%). Fourth position of the rating is “VkusVill” with online turnover 135.4 billion rubles. (+40.5%). A fifth place – “Yandex Lavka” and Yandex Market” with total volume of sales in 95.4 billion rubles, which is by 60% more than for the same period 2023