The examination of the Khaapsalu Posti street showed that the builder when laying the stone pavement has violated the construction technology , and the street will be rebuilt in the worst possible case, the newspaper Lääne
Elu writes. The vice-mayor of Haapsalu Innar Määsalu told Lääne Elule in late November, that the city government is arguing with the builder because the builder doesn’t want to admit mistakes. T-Konsult has commissioned an independent expertise to answer whether YIT AS used the correct technology in the construction of the street. “When constructing the roadway part was violated the technology of construction.” – this is the short result of the examination was summarized by Riho Eichfuss, executive director
of T-Konsult, the expertise of Posti Street. Building errors, according to the expert, it is still possible to correct. “In general, anything is possible, the question is the price, ”
Eichfuss concluded. The repair of the main street Haapsalu cost 3.65 million euros, of which one million euros were subsidized by the state subsidy
for the transit pathways.