We remind you that these designated "limits" have been negotiated for a long time and defined for products such as sugar, poultry, eggs, corn, oats, honey and groats. They are calculated based on the average of exports from Ukraine to the EU for the two years 2022 and 2023 and mid-2021. Once the threshold volume is exceeded, quotas should apply. These have been in force since June 19 for oats (of little importance for exports) and from July 2 for sugar and eggs, but also , importantly, from July 19 for products covered by the TRQ "Groats and barley meal, cereal grains subjected to other processing".
More products are nearing completion of these limits and, as we wrote on farmer.pl, Ukrainians expect them to be exhausted in the fall. Honey is one of them, and in a moment it may be 100 percent. threshold value, which is 44,417.56 t in 2024.
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ATM. The number of poultry exporters from Ukraine increased from one to ten
Honey will soon be limited within ATM
– According to EC data from August 6, 2024, the import of honey from Ukraine to the EU since the beginning of 2024 amounted to 43.7 thousand. t (i.e. 98% of the threshold value). After reaching 100 percent threshold value, the automatic protection mechanism should be activated by the EC similarly to the above-mentioned case. products, i.e. within 14 days – the Ministry of Agriculture informed us.
As added, the threshold volume for honey in 2024 is 44,417.56 t.
How does introducing limits work?
As the Ministry of Agriculture reminds, Regulation (EU) 2024/1392 of the European Parliament and of the Council extending autonomous trade measures (ATM) on imports from Ukraine for another year provides for more favorable provisions regarding protective mechanisms, including the so-called automatic protection mechanism. It is launched when the import of selected products (including honey) from Ukraine to the EU exceeds certain threshold values.
– In case the import from Ukraine of the product covered by the above-mentioned annex, counting from the beginning of the year, it will reach 100 percent. threshold value, the EC should, in accordance with Regulation 2024/1392, activate the automatic protection mechanism within 14 days. Its launch results in the restoration of the EU erga omnes customs duty on the import of a given product above the level of the duty-free tariff quota (TRQ) under the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement by the end of the year. In addition, it also opens a duty-free TRQ for imports of this product from Ukraine, valid from the beginning of 2025 until June 5, 2025 (expiry date of Regulation 2024/1392), after which the EU customs rate will apply again. The volume of this duty-free TRQ applicable in the first half of 2025 corresponds to either 5/12 of the average of imports from Ukraine to the EU over the reference period covering the second half of 2021 and all of 2022 and 2023 or the TRQ from the Association Agreement – whichever is larger – the Ministry of Agriculture explains in detail to farmer.pl.
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Facts and myths about the success of negotiations on changes in duty-free trade with Ukraine