The largest by assets held American bank JPMorgan Chase today was the first bank to present its last quarter and total yearly performance results. The quarter revenue, quarter profit had exceeded and exceeded expectations. Ahead of the trading session the bank share priced: JPMorgan Chase 248,10 (0,25%).
During the last quarter the minimum bank made yearly profit of 14,005 billion . dollars, or 4.81 dollars per event, which compared with the period preceding the year is even five percent more. Compared with the third quarter of 2024 the years, the profit has increased by nine percent .
The market expected the quarter the profit of the event will be average 4.11 dollars.
JPMorgan Chase Chart quarter revenue this time was 43.738 billion dollars,
when the call would accumulate averagely 41.73 billion.Compared with
the preceding quarter,
they have increased by one percent, and compared with the most period a year ago the has increased by tens percent.
Generally, over the entire years 2024 the minimum bank’s cash earnings reached 58.471 billion. Cash revenue rose by eleven percent to 180.593 billion , a percent increase to 180.593 billion. of dollar, and reserves for bad loans rose fifteen percent.
“The company finished the year with a strong fourth quarter and fourth quarter year and fourth quarter with fourteen billion fourths.Every business area produced good results” – said Jamie Dimon, Chairman of the Bank and Director General of the Bank.
“The US economy has been resilient. Unemployment remains relatively low, and consumer costs have remained positive , including during the holidays of the season. Corporations are more optimistic about the economy, which is driven by the expectations of a more favourable growth agenda and better co-operation between the Government and business.However, there remain two high risks for the continuing and futureexpendituredemandsarelikelytobeinflationaryandinflationcouldpersistforanytime.Besidesthis,themostthreateningandmostcomplicatedgeopoliticalconditionsfromthesecondWorldWarremain.Asalways,wehopeforthebest,butwehavepreparedthecompanyfordifferentscenarios.”-hesaid.
During thelastoneyearthepriceofJPMorganChaseBank’ssharepriceroseby47.3percent.