
The importance of sowers for cereals winter.

Znaczenie siarki dla zbóż ozimych

Although sulphur has a high importance for the proper growth and development of plants, its content in Polish soils since the years 90s is systematically declining. Paradoxically this is the result of increased attention to the environment, because previously the important source of this element were, however weird it would not sound, the pollution of air originating from industrial plants. After adjustment to industry to EU standards this way of supplying sulfur was closed, and the popularity of dosing on this important element still is not high.

Role of sulfur in cereals

Although cereals need sulfur in smaller quantities than particularly in the face of less requiring stem, it is absolutely necessary for their proper development and the best use potential planting. This element influences primarily the use of nitrogen by

plants. Beyond this it enters in the composition of enzymes and lipids

building chloroplasts, necessary to conduct photosynthesis.

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Sulfur builds also thioredoxins and ferodoxins, which are proteins taking part in self photosynthesis, a also enters in the composition of amino acids, like cysteine, cystine or methionine. In some degree this element also has an influence on maintaining stiffness and mechanical strength of plants. Additionally there is also known fungistatic effect of sulfur, a therefore reducing infection by fungal diseases. No less important is its participation in recovery and detoxification of heavy metals.

Symptoms of deficiency of sulfur in beans

The effect of deficiency of sulfur is primarily a reduction of fertilization efficiency, which from the course translates into stunting growth of plants. It is worth stressing, that a deficiency of 1 kg of sulfur blocks the absorption of about 10 kg of nitrogen. Also deficiency of this element leads to the appearance of fragility and brittleness of plants. In beans usually only severe deficiencies of sulfur are visible in the form of chlorosis

leaves, in cases of transition in necrosis. No supplementation of fertilization with time will lead to.The decrease in plant and value of protein in grains, a

that is especially in the case of consumer wheat, the content of protein has a major impact on the price in the shop.

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The chlorosis from early spring is visible as fading blossoms leaf. The characteristic chlorosis associated with unmet demand for this element is occurrence, similarly than in the case of non-deficiency of nitrogen, starting from the youngest, top leaves. Blades of leaves become black between nerves, growth of plants stunts, and stalks become fragile.

Fertilization of crops sow

The abundance of soil in sow is related to the content of organic matter, hence the symptoms

of deficiency of this element are especially visible on light soils sandy. Because of

the weak mobility of sulfur in plants, symptoms of deficiency may appear also

in spring on plants of winter crops, where fertilization with this element was conducted only before winter, hence therefore it is important to apply distributed doses, preferably on an occasion fertilization at the start of spring vegetation and after leaf.

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The supplementation of this element is worth attention especially on plants fertilized by because despite its very good properties, it is thatFertilizer deficient in sulfur, without regard to what species of animals it comes from. The second situation, where the likelihood of deficiency is especially high, is seeding of cereals after threshing, which takes this element in large quantities and when poor fertilization, easily exhausts soil supplies.

Dose and time of fertilization of cereals with sulfur

Cereals in winter, for each ton of plant grain need, depending on

species, 3-4.5 kg of sulfur. This is approximately about 4.5 kg in the case of wheat, 3.5 kg in the case of triticale and

barley and 3 kg for rye. We say there is a clear of total demand, and it is desirable not to feed

the whole together, and to settle on shared doses. Then a part of the sulfur will be pre-seeded, a part on the occasion of fertilization in pre-spring, and a part after leaf, frequently in form of magnesium sulfate.

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If this is about bottom-fertilization, it is worth to follow two treatments. First at the end ofthebloomphaseoratthestartofshootinginstalkandthesecondattheendofshootinginstalkorjustaftershowingtheleafflag.Returningon theother handtothepowder form,thereareavailableinthemarketandsaltswithaddedsulfur,awhenit comestoseedfertilization,thiselementisanadditiveinmanypopularfertilizersNPK.


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