The situation in the Polish market winds strongly complexed by pestilence, whose occurrence was confirmed sometime ago in Germany, as pointed out by Jakub Dorozynski, specialist for sales. sales from PH Konrad.
– This disease is something new in the market, because it has not appeared for nearly forty years. This causes much uncertainty in the question of how the market will behave, a uncertainty often is the basis for changes on the exchanges, both fattenants, as and warmers. In concerning this the future
week stands under a question – says Dorozynski.
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17.01.2025. Prices of archlings are falling. The situation is strongly complicated by flu
The impact of flu on the polish market commodities – scenario negative
After the appearance of flu in Germany there has been significant turbulence in German pork exports. In concerning this there are concerns, will Poland not have to face the wave of expensive German pork.
– It is possible to hear concerns, that we will get fed German pork. This is a possible scenario, because Germany currently can send meat only to countries in the EU. All third
countries have blocked German meat shipment, however their exports will have to go somewhere, so
such scenario is likely – our interlocutor points out.
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import of German pork .
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Flu: Why don’t impose a total ban of animal imports from Germany?
The impact of the flu on the Polish market waters – scenario positive
However there are also voices on the optimistic approach, according to which the created export gap theoretically could fill Poland.
– We have accreditation for trade of meat with South Korea, which is the major causer of the German market. This is also in the case of England, which has also
blocked German meat shipments. In relationship with this some seek positives and they confirm, that because someone will
now take Germany’s place in export markets, theoretically it may be Poland – Dorozynski points out.
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Expert about pimples: Losing Germany may be our profit
As adds, an attempt to capture the liberated export markets would be related to restricting imports of German pork.
– It would be related to that facilities that would send meat to for example. to Korea, would not have any kilogram of meat imported from Germany, and in the form of live pigs, and in the form of processing or half-carcasses. It could therefore restrict import from Germany. For the Germans to sell this meat, they must have someone, who will buy it. However at the moment, when it would not pay would be a problem for those facilities, which would want to trade with countries, which have blocked supplies from Germany, that could have turned out that we would not buy pork from Germany. In consequence the situation would develop.More optimistic for us – has indicated our talker.
The situation is however uncertain
Dorozynski emphasizes however, that this is not a certain scenario. New markets are a greedy bite for many.
– From what knows, other countries also are attempting to enter the released markets. There is one of them Denmark, among others. There is therefore sure, that we will have filled this role. Therefore it is necessary to consider also the scenario, according to which we will get meat from Germany. I think that at times the most people are settling on the more pessimistic scenario. If there is something good for us, then we will be happy, but until that time you have to wait. Unfortunately, more characters indicate, that it may be interesting – he adds.
The difficult situation in the market trends
Dorozynski emphasizes, that there is a large uncertainty in the trzody sector and no knows what will follow in the market of fattenants and warmers.
– There is a visible quite large crisis on the market. Prices are already very low, and
everyone will expect far cheaper archers. We have not had such situation for a long time. We have to wait, because we
don’t know how further this will develop, whether the flu is a short-term problem, or will stay withusforlonger.Whetheritwillcontinuetospread.Thisdependsonhowitwillaffectthemarket-explains.