- Pigs belong to the group of warm-blooded animals.
- The physiological average body temperature in adults is 38.50C, while in the youngest piglets a temperature of even close to 40 degrees should not cause any concern.
- In turn, in old sows and boars, the internal body temperature drops below 38 degrees Celsius.
Compared to other farm animals, pigs have little ability to release internal heat and thus regulate temperature. This is because they have a small number of sweat glands on their skin, and a relatively thick layer of subcutaneous fat tissue is characteristic of this species. In conditions of high air temperature, pigs practically do not use the thermoregulation mechanism of sweating, and the only way to lower the internal temperature is to pant.
Dangerous heat stress
It might seem that a pig is a large animal with few requirements. However, contrary to appearances, this species is very sensitive to unfavorable environmental conditions, including too high air temperature.
Heat stress first causes a reduction in the well-being of pigs, and consequently a reduction in production results and failure to use the genetic potential of individual production groups.