
The growth of the world’s largest economy has shifted more than expected (

Didžiausios pasaulyje ekonomikos augimas prislopo labiau nei laukta (

After the release of the Preliminary Information from the Preliminary Information it turned out that the growth of the largest economy in the world in the US has surpassed the economists expectations more.

Compared with the third quarter, aggregate GDP growth decreased from 3.1 percent to 2.3 percent , which is the slowest growth in the last three quarters. It is projected to increase by an average 2.6 percent.

American consumer expenditure, which accounts for seventy percent of the value of the generic average product has remained the main engine of economic

growth, since the

increased by at 4.2 percent, or the most since the first quarter of 2023 the year , while in the fourth quarter it increased by 3.7 percent.

Other values, long-term investment decreased first time from 2023 first quarter (-0.6 percent, while quarter to quarter increased by 2.1 percent). But investment in intellectual property products and investment in products has increased further (by 2.6 percent, compared with 3,1 percent quarter against this), while investment in the existence increased 5,3 percent, while in the third quarter it fell 4,3 percent.

The increase in private reserves decreased the growth of the general medium product by only 0.93 percentage points. Exports andimportsdecreased, andimportsdecreased, sothecontribution of cashtraderemainedsignificantlychanged.Managedcostsincreasedlessi.e. 2.5percent,comparedwith5.1percentthequartilethat.

Overallpreviousyearsthelargesteconomyin theworldhasgrownby2.8percentwhileover2023yearsthe-by2.9percent.

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