
The government’s energy plan: construction of a nuclear power plant and large subsidiestoa numberofbusinesses

Энергетический план правительства: строительство атомной электростанции и крупные субсидии ряду предприятий

Education and Science Minister Christina Kallas (Eesti 200) announced on social networks that the government has finally reached agreement on a large

energy plan for Estonia. This is how the small

NPP in Estonia. This is how the small NPP would look in Estonia. Photo: Fermi Energia

Minister of Education and Science Kristina Kallas (“Eesti 200”) announced on social networks, that the government has finally achieved agreement on

a large energy plan for Estonia.

Kallas reported that the coalition has agreed on what the future of Estonia’s energy will be, and who will be able to receive significant subsidies.

“The global transition to cleaner and affordable energy requires reviews of energy production in every country, and here Estonia has been too slow in making decisions. High prices for electricity today are a direct result of that decisions have not been made for almost ten years. The long-term energy development plan, which took a year of discussions and accurate calculations, has become oneofthemostimportantdecisionsofthegovernment,-writesCallasonFacebook.

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