Christoph Hansen is on the start of his work, however in February he will have to present the future WPR after 2027. Very initially and this will only open discussion on further vision of financial support for EU agriculture. The final is still far away, because everything will have to be approved with the global budget EU, and this will probably happen not until autumn.
Further part dialogue about agriculture, this together together with Copa Cogeca
Minister Cesław Siekierski and Secretary of State Stefan Krajewski, Sub-Secretary of State Adam Nowak and Director General Bogusław Wijatyk met with President Copa Massimiliano Giansanti, President Cogeca Lennart Nilsson and Secretary general of Copa-Cogeca Elli Tsiforou. Talks were also attended by the President of the National Council of Isb Agricultural Viktor Szmulewicz and Vice President of Cogeca Agneska Maliszewska. The next of the cycle of meetings in the dialogue about agriculture was held on January 9 2025 year.
Doubtful questions in the objectives imposed on the new commissioner of agriculture
We asked what direction will take with farmers, whether there are some elements, with which today are difficult to agree and are found in the summary of Strategic Dialogue for the future of agriculture, which this is to direct the new Commissioner for farming. agriculture and food? It cannot be hidden, that the drafting, though in some issues is praised, that has some issues, which are difficult to adopt, such as increasing the promotion of vegetable protein consumption, at the cost of restricting animal protein consumption, or also the request to include agriculture in the ETS system.
The month-long dialogue happened, the main concern was that so few typically agricultural organizations participated in it. One of the principles, which are already implemented is the establishment of the European Council for agriculture. Agriculture and Food. “It is time to shape a new culture of dialogue and cooperation, that will strengthen the European agricultural and food sector – wrote Hansen encouraging stakeholders to apply, to participate in this Council. Apply to this could be by 8 January. How many will there be typically agricultural organizations, how many Polish accented this “active dialogue” at the level of Brussels? This will happen yet.
Dialogue without concretes
Ceslav Siekierski on the questionable elements included in the summary of dialogue said. – Important is thedialogue strategic, which was prepared at the invitation of Ursula von der Leyen. However it was assessed as general, without concretes. I have clearly said, that it is important that, what in the frame of his vision the new commissioner will present. This is not the strategy of WPR, this is only the start of discussion. Without the statement of farmers we will based on this on on on the budget many decisions will be discussed and decided at the Council EU. Here we must consider this situation, what is in the world market not only Mercosur, but also the goal between China and the EU. Has impact on our situation, exporting e.g. dairy products to China. Subsequently, the approach to the overflow of goods and raw materials from Russia or Belarus. Related to food security, but this may not be the cost of producing fertilizers in Poland.
No will agree to eliminate animal production
from the Cogeca representative Lennart Nilsson, had – been one of the members of strategic Copa Cogeca.We have taken another step, if it is about the vision of agriculture. We said what we think about the positive aspects of dialogue, for example. there was consensus, if there is a strong budget WPR and if there will be those situations exceptional, there will be the need of course more funding. We must have a table of suppliers and farmers. Few farmers have been very critical, but we must listen to them more. We had also in discussion NGO’s, which also talked about the necessity of maintaining profitability of agriculture. We are also working on other elements. It is not in our interest, to reduce production in any of the divisions of the agricultural sector. There is even talking about increasing animal production. AgETS? We approach this carefully, there are many questions. Whether at all this is good for agriculture. We include the different parties involved in dialogue. Most results are positive, are good. If we work on these positive things, this will benefit farmers. We sit at the same table, we get acquainted, we can further discuss the economic situation on our farms.
Let farmers decide about the future of agriculture
Massimiliano Giansanti, representative Copa, stated – I was selected to work on the dialogue in September, when the work was already closed. I cannot say, that with something.I don’t agree, but rather what to suggest, about what to discuss and further change. We are two of three, that is two farmers in this group. When talking about the future of farmers, we want
to talk about this topic with people, who have relevant knowledge. I don’t know how many people in Brussels are farmers. We must
make a good vision for farmers the Commissioner, for certain he should revise his vision about animal protein, for me it
is unacceptable, to close the breeding and restrict the consumption of animal protein. Let’s remember all farmers, represent also breeders of animals. ETS this
is an important conversation about the future. If it is about ETS e.g., the future is the future. in Italy that is