
The full text of a special report Nordica has been published: find out what secretshavebeen uncovered

Опубликован полный текст специального отчета Nordica: узнайте, какие тайны были скрыты

On Tuesday, January 21, the Ministry of Climate published the full text of the report of the

Special Investigation of Nordica on its website. Airplane Nordica. Airplane Nordica. Photo: Nordic Aviation Group

On Tuesday, 21 January, Ministry Climate published on its website the

full text of the report of a special inspection of Nordica.

When the problems of the national airline caused serious suspicions, in 2023 in the general meeting directed the council of Nordic Aviation Group to conduct a special inspection of the company.

The Special Report wascompletedas early aslastyear,butthepublicwas only givenseparateexcerpts.Secrecywas explained by the factthatpublicationcouldharmtheprivatization processofNordica.

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