- The COVID-19 pandemic, and the subsequent explosion of war in Ukraine destabilized the European energy market.
- Poland, like most countries in the EU, has introduced solar mechanisms for households homeowners, enterprises and local governments, to protect them against jumping prices.
- In December 2024 the year entered into
– High prices of energy are today a very big problem for Europeans. 10 proc. population of European Union – that is about 40 million people – live in energy poverty. The Union all time seems not to notice, that this is mainly its fault, that these energy prices are so slumping, because this is the guilt of solutions Green Lad. I wonder that all the time we talk about how to stop the increase of energy prices, and we don’t talk about that, when in the end with climate policy – says agency Newseria Marcin Sypniewski.
By end I quarter 2025 year of frozen price of energy at level 693 £ per 1 MWh net will benefit also authorities, entities utilities public and entities sensitive. The cost of solar solutions in 2025 year the government estimated in a total of 3.98 billion . For further preferences cannot however only count business – the law, which began taking effect in December ub, doesn’t foresee in 2025 year freezing current prices for micro, small and medium enterprises and agricultural producers outside tariff group G.
– Subsidies as a way to fight against high energy prices are not a good solution, because they do not eliminate the problem. For this there will be money from taxes, in this way we will burden our budgets. The Government or the European Union will extract this money from our pockets and we will pay double: from one side for current, and from the other side tax, so that the price of that current will be lower – says Marcin Sypniewski. – Much easier.The solution would return to cheaper sources of energy. Meanwhile, today the European Union is fighting against coal, should we close even those mines, in whose exploitation could still continue, and in replacement put on expensive solutions, which are unstable. And it is known, that with windmills and photovoltaics even the economy in Germany is not able to support itself, that is no solution. In the case of Poland we must bet on coal and on building a atomic power plant.
Departing from coal and decarbonization of the economy are the key principles of European Green Lad, the flag strategy of the EU, being the response to the pending climate crisis. EU institutions notice, that it is causing more frequent and stronger extreme weather phenomena, which have tragic effects on people and the economy. This is why in June 2021 the PE approved the climate law, which is a set of political initiatives, through which the goals of EU climate policy – are. reduction of emissions of greenhouse gases by 55 percent by 2030 year and total climate neutrality by 2050 year – have become legally binding.
EU climate policy, especially in the last two-three years, has however, raised much controversy. In last year through many countries of Europe there were mass protests by farmers, demanding the reduction of the Green Lad assumptions. This theme has become the main election campaign before the last election, a in the last time much emotion has been aroused even by the Directive EPBD (so-called. Building Directive), which delegates part of the efforts in reducing emissions of warming gases to households . From countries and businesses, especially from Protests social and resentment of some member states have recent effect – over the last few months the European Commission has suspended part of obligations under the Green Lad, in including m.among others concerning agriculture. Ursula von der Leyen announced, that the KE in the new composition will stick to the existing assumptions, but they will not be the same.implementation may be subject to certain changes. We should in finally disconnect the economy from ideology. The economy should return to the tracks of free market and energy should come from sources, which are expensive. In the case of Poland such expensive source is coal and power atomic plant, only we have to finally start building, because for time only we talk about Last year’s report “Policy climate with a human face” More in Common Poland showed, that the majority of People see in climate policy an opportunity for economicand social benefits,thoughtheyareskepticaloftheEuropeanGreenLad.72percentofPolandassess,thatin itspresentformwillprovidemorelossthanbenefits,andoverhalf(51percent.)negativelyassessitsimpactonenergyprices.Only5percentofstudentswouldwanttocontinueGreenLadin its currentform.At the same timenearly2/3ofPolesand Polesbelieve,thatpreventingclimate changeisagoodinvestmentofpublic funds,a”storm”aboutGreenLadhasnegativelyaffectedtheseconceptions.61proc.researchersperceivein theEUclimatepolicyanopportunityforeconomic development,a68proc.considers,thatinvestmentin renewablesourcesofenergywillloweritspriceand increasetheenergy securityofthecountry. Source:Newseries .