Owned by entrepreneurs in real estate Marco Kullu and Akhti Kiley the Butterfly Lounge cocktail bar Butterfly Lounge announced its final closure. Cocktail bar Butterfly Lounge had been operating since 2010 year, writes dv.ee.Opened in 2010 year Butterfly Lounge as 2019 year is owned by Ahti Kiely and Marco Kull along with a few other small owners, those who are now out of the owners. The new owners renovated the bar
shortly before the first pandemic. Kokteilibaar OÜ, founded five years ago, in every annual report indicates that the costs of renovation have never been recovered. In addition, the coronavirus pandemic and the economic downturn of
2023 have significantly affected the company’s results. From the beginning of December Kokteilibaar OÜ will accrue permanent tax arrears of about 15 000 euros. The turnover of the company in 2023 year was 571 000 euros, and the operating loss – almost 50 50 000 euros. In the last
quarter 2024 year the
company employed 12 people. Read more at dv.ee. Last weekend at Butterfly Lounge the last
dance and the last cocktails were drunk. “15 years of emotions, parties, dancing, cocktails of world class and culinary experience is the first and biggest cocktail bar in Estonia. “As the popular proverb says, every end is only the beginning of
a new one”, the Butterfly Lounge wrote on social networks. “Dear friends, guests, DJs, staff, and everyone who has happened with Butterfly Lounge – thank you all from our heart.Thank you to our guests, who filled the life of “butterflies” with laughter and endless energy. Your dancing, good mood and unbelievable nights.were the heart and soul of this place. Thank the DJs and artists who bring their special talents, music, personal stories and other inspiring things to our home. You have made our world much more colorful. Thank you to our awesome team, thanks to the passion, dedication and resilient work that Butterfly Lounge has always shone. Your contributions have been unappreciated, and it’s hard to choose the best
working family. Thank all partners, friends and friends, who made this journey possible, ”
leftthankstotheownersofthebar.ButterflyLoungeCocktail BarButterflyLoungewas located at the addressVana-Viru,13/Aya,4inOldCityofTallinn.