
The failure of a well-known Polish company. The demographic crisis is takinga toll.

Plajta znanej polskiej firmy. Kryzys demograficzny zbiera żniwo

Polish brand known from production of soothing “humming noises” for infants, is declining. The company, which has been highly popular for years, has not been able to survive the demographic crisis.

Whisbear, a Polish brand known from production of popular “hummers” for infants, is declining. The Regional Court for the city of Warsaw, has been recently. Warsaw in Warszawa has issued a order to start bankruptcy proceedings, which is the effect of the difficult financial situation of the company and demographic crisis affecting the branch products for children.

– The Regional Court for the city of Warsaw in Warsaw, XVIII Department of Economics, (…) announces, that by the decision of the day of 29 January 2025 year issued in the case of declaration of bankruptcy debtor, which is WHISBEAR Company with Granted Liability has decided: announce the bankruptcy of the debtor – call the creditors of the bankrupt to report the claim in the judicial statement.

The syndicate function will be filled by Krzysztof Piotrowski.

Bankruptcy Whisbear. They manufactured the popular “whisbear”

The Whisbear company produced accessories that facilitate sleeping for newborns, infants and small children, by emitting the so-called. pink noise.

– Whisbear is a Polish brand founded by two sisters. Their children had large problems with sleeping, and so young mothers seeked some way to easier sleeping their children. After many attempts to soothe toddlers it has been found that the most effective for their children’s crying is the sound of hair dryers. Unfortunately it was not a too convenient solution, so the women decided to create the first sounding mis – that’s how the company described its history.

We don’t know the current financial situation of the company. We do know, that in the year 2023 the company received revenue in the amount of2,579.484.18 PLN and recorded loss at level 645,751.90 PLN. 

– The company continued the process of diversifying the source of goods and minimizing the risk of disruptions in receiving goods, caused by difficult economic situation (war in Ukraine, economic crisis ) ordering also part products in China. In 2023 the company was hurt also by the demographic crisis in Europe and experienced significant declines in orders from permanent contractors -. read in financial report for 2023 .

Crisis in the Low level of children in Poland

In I and II quarter 2024 year. the management decision to dismiss employees and stop all marketing expenditures introducing a new model of operation in the market. The Management signed agreement on exclusive sales in the market in Poland and Europe with M&Z of Gdynia, charging with this title a license fee.

– In conjunction with the economic crisis and the huge crisis in the so-called business. industry baby, future company plans focus on stopping and waiting the moment of crisis. The value of the brand still is huge, unfortunately the growth potential is temporarily frozen-added.

Remember,thatinPolandformany yearswehavebeenaffectedbyademographic crisis,whichaffectstheindustryofproductsforchildren. ThepopulationofPolandattheendof2024yearhadfallenbelow37.5millionpeople,andthenumberofbirthsinthelastyearwasthelowestsincetheendofWorld War II. Therateofrealpreciationwas-0.39percent,whichmeans,thatpereach10thousandpopulationwasabout39persons(in2023year,per10thousandpopulationwas34persons).


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