Whether modern technologies are the answer to reduce bills for heating the home?
As indicates KRD in its study pt. “Wallets of Polish households under pressure of rising prices” in the next 12 months Polish people are most fearful of increasing bills for heating (by 70%). In contrast, in the second place (increase by 65%) is positioned in water and sewage. Generation and gas took the fourth place with predictions of increase by 56%.
These concerns are understandable. According to data reported by the General Statistical Office, in December 2024 year. prices of commodities and services consumption increased by 4.7%. At which the use of housing or home and energy increased by 10.1%.
Should the savings for individuals start from the movement on the growth – developers and managers of real estate? It is a good idea, because it is that thanks to environmental technological solutions we will not be so significantly dependent on prices energy, as has this occurred today. What is important, concerns are justified.
An example of revolution may be the anticipated project of law water and amendment of law on collective water supply and collective sewage distribution, which will introduce changes in tariffs, which in consequence may lead to increase prices.
As you see the statistics are not too optimistic, therefore not surprising, that rising energy prices have become one of the main challenges for this year for owners and managers of real estate, both commercial, and residential.
In considering the difficult situation in the energy market it becomes necessary to implement effective solutions allowing to optimize energy consumption. One of the latest trends is intelligent building management systems, which enable monitoring and control of media flow – water, heating, ventilation – in real-time , ensuring maximum efficiency.
Also the use of sensors and analytical systems in monitoring use of media are elements, which are now and more
common in new or upgraded buildings.
Western Poland is protected against flu. What action has the Veterinary Inspection taken? Modern technologies allow to automate many processes in the building, such as regulating temperature, pressure in water systems, or controlling ventilation. Through application of sensors and analytical systems it is possible to closely monitor use of media, identify inefficiencies and adjust parameters of the building to actual needs. In this way you can obtain not only energy savings, but also improve the comfort of the building – says Piotr Serafin, expert for systems . installation systems Uponor (GF Buliding Flow Solutions). In Poland there are still changes in legislation, which must improve energy efficiency of buildings. Wave renovation, that is the program introduced by the European Union has a concrete purpose – imposing on owners an obligation to reduce the demand of buildings for energy from fossil fuels, increase energy efficiency and improve building standards by promoting green technologies. It is therefore worth mentioning about the CSRD, which talks about European sustainable development, introduces in implementation and this new regulations, which only in our country will affect the largest enterprises (employing more than 250 people or with defined level of revenue) are obligated to transmit information about their impact on the environment, community and standards of management. Ukraine will be talking with the US about recovery of help All that will come to pass, that the emissivity of buildings, in which tenants conduct economic activities, will also have to be reported. As seen, the changes imposed by the European Union are applicable today practically.of each sector, a target are to reduce accounts for units. In perspective the implemented measures are to help save consumption of energy, heat and gas and allow to savings for tenants and reduction of energy consumption in parts common. In Poland there is a growing interest in sustainable building (so-called. Green Building), which places a high emphasis on energy efficiency and reduction of emissions CO2. There are increasingly more regulations related to so-called green building. green certificates, which may be required by landlords or owners of buildings, especially in the case of large facilities commercial. Such certificates (e.g. LEED, BREEAM, DGNB) may require implementation of solutions related to energy efficiency, in this intelligent building management – explains Piotr Serafin, expert ds. installation systems Uponor (GF Buliding Flow Solutions). Our solutions meet standards and rules industry, which makes sure, that they have positive impact on the overall certification Green Building and strategy of sustainable development of the European Union. The aforementioned certifications cover not only energy efficiency, but also aspects related to the quality of air in buildings, sustainable management of water and materials. Fromtheperspective oftenantsofcommercialbuildings,havingcertifiedsustainablebuildingsisbecomingandmoreimportant,becauseitcanaffectthevalueoftherent,reduceoperatingcostsandimprovetheimageofthecompany.Allthiscanbecomeanadditionalmotivationforownersofreal estatetoinvestinintelligentsystems.
Improving energy efficiency an opportunity for lower bills?
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