
The European Union wants to disconnect from SWIFT another 15 Russianbanks

В Евросоюзе хотят отключить от SWIFT еще 15 российских банков

Disconnection of 15 more Russian banks from Swift is proposed in the framework of a new package of sanctions against Russia because of the war in Ukraine. The sanctions package wants to include a

ban on the importation of Russian aluminum, Deutsche

Welle writes. Logo SWIFT. Logo SWIFT. Photo: Scanpix/ Chris Helgren/ Reuters

The shutdown of 15 more Russian Russian banks from Swift is proposed in the framework of a new package of sanctions against Russia because of the war in Ukraine. The

sanctions package wants to include a ban on the importation of Russian aluminum, writes Deutsche Welle.

The European Union proposed to disconnect about 15 Russian banks from the international banking system SWIFT in the framework of a new package of sanctions against Russia from- the SWIFT system in the SWIFT .for its war against Ukraine, reported Bloomberg agency with reference to sources on Tuesday, 28 January. The agency’s interlocutors did not specify which Russian banks want to disconnect.

Besides this, in the new, already 16th sanctions package is supposed to include a phased ban on the importation of Russian aluminum and restrictions against more than 70 ships of the so called “shadow fleet.” which are participating in transporting Russian oil at a price above the Western countries high of 60 dollars per barrel.

As Sources Bloomberg noted, approval of the new package of sanctions requires the agreement of all countries, members of the EU, and it is not factual that these measures will be approved, considering the resistance of Hungary. New Hardening.punitive measures against Russia are being discussed on the third anniversary of the Russian troops in Ukraine.

Disconnection from SWIFT

The largest Russian banks were disconnected from SWIFT shortly after the beginning of the Russian Federation’s aggression aggression against Ukraine in February 2022 year. In March 2023 year the Bank of Russia obligated Russian credit organizations to use only domestic services and financial infrastructure when transferring funds intra country. The SWIFT analog SWIFT in Russia is the SWIFT system for transmission of financial information. With the System it is possible to transfer rubles and other currencies inside the country and abroad if both banks are connected to the system.

Last summer last year the European Union in the framework of the 14th sanctions package imposed restrictions against the SPFS and prohibited European companies from connecting totheRussiansystem.It is also forbiddento maketransactionswithorganizationsfromthirdcountriesusingtheSPFSoutsideRussiaandincludedintheSpecialBlacklistoftheEuropean Union.

On January 27JanuarytheMinisters of Foreign AffairsofEUcountriesagreedtoextendthesanctionsalreadyimposedagainstRussia.Suchsanctionsareextendedeverysix months.Hungary was opposed tothenextextensionbyHungary,unhappy withthestoppageofthetransitofgasthroughtheterritoryofUkraine,butin the enditagreednottopreventtheextensionofthefinesmeasuresinexchangeforenergysecurity guarantees.

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