
The end of the era of Skonto? What is the decline of the former leaderoftheconstructionindustry?

Конец эры Skonto? С чем связан закат бывшего лидера строительной отрасли

“We are a group of five businesses, which are located in Latvia. We are proud of our projects public buildings, residential houses and infrastructural objects around the world. Every Our enterprise is a leader in its area, and every service is compliant with the highest standards in the industry.” – – all this is to still read on the website of Skonto Group Construction Companies Skonto Group. But this is more remembering, than reality. Let’s find out what is going on with the building giant.The and position of the construction business business that is closely connected with the group: the construction companies Skonto būve and Skonto Construction
aretodayintheprocessoflegalprotection.As recently asa fewyearsagoSkontobūvewasone ofthebiggestenterprisesintheindustry.

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