From year to year there are increasing companies, which encourage employees with special benefits, in this longer holiday packet. Limit 26 days is slowly going to lamus, a replacement of even 35 days of paid holiday per year. But that is not all the bonuses, which employers have in the offer – their list is and longer.
- More and more companies offer employees more holiday than that is in the Code of work
- Among bonuses are also flexible remuneration (e.g. weekly payments), bonuses for quality of services, the possibility of flexible work hours or employment of less hours
- The most popular bonuses and benefits for physical employees include bonuses for performance, wages
for overtime, diet medical and compensation for meals
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End with limit 26 days of holiday? Revolution in companies
According to regulations the dimension of holiday holidays, which is being granted to employees during the calendar year is 20 or 26 days dependent on stay of work.
- 20 days – if you work for shorter than 10 years,
- 26 days – if you work for at least 10 years
However and more often employers diverge from the limit, to which the companies are obliged for the longer paid holidays. This benefits, which encourages employees.
The topic of unlimited holiday is analyzed PulsHR referring data from report No Fluff Jobs. Portal notes that though that the demand for flexible leave system is high, that however not all are convinced of this concept.
– 60 proc. Polish employees show interest in such solution, while 33 proc. have a neutral attitude to this idea. On the other hand only 6 proc. are not in at all interested in such system – indicates service.
Highlights also notes that employers are not necessarily opposed to the idea of an unlimited number of days of leave. 39 proc. of themhas neutral attitude to such concept, and fewer (37 percent) are positive opposed. Nearly one fourth (23 percent.) think that this is a bad idea.
At the same time there already are companies in Poland, which offer unlimited time for holidays. Examples might be companies such as
- Spicy Mobile
- Traffit
- Bitpanda,
which have decided to introduce this form of holiday. What interesting, in these companies
employees on average take of 35 days free yearly.
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Bonuses and benefits, mean how employers courage employees?
Analysts aggregator of offers jobs Jooble and system ATS to manage recruitment Traffit analyzed the values and bonuses of mind, physical and “pink” jobs.
Mind workers are people working in finance, marketing, management, disciplines legal and IT. Among offers of jobs published on the internet Jooble, 48% are offers for industrial employees, of which 25% are in the IT industry. Specialists IT are in demand, but the most desirable roles among industrial workers are “green college” positions. These occupations are related to environmental protection, sustainable development and environmentally friendly technologies, such as engineers of renewable energy and specialists for environment. management of waste. Employers are actively seeking these specialists.
Employers are attracting minded workers:
- pay at market levels,
- compensation for education and training,
- free transportation
- insurance health insurance.
In branch IT additional benefits include
- flexible hours of work,
- compensation for sport and meals,
- additional days of holiday for holidays,
- free sessions psychological sessions,
- access to rooms games,
- no dress code,
- possibility of work remote from any place on the world.for defined time
- and ecobenefits for employees using environment friendly transport (bicycles or cars electric).
-There is no way to hide, that one of the most attractive factors, which will encourage to change jobs for people from IT, is market remuneration and the possibility of working remotely. Work remote often is also associated with expectations of flexible working hours, which also are very important when selecting an employer. There is one other important element, which can affect the acceptance of offers – the possibility of development. During recruitment one of the most common reasons for willingness to change jobs is looking for a place, where employees will be able to grind and gain new skills. Pay and the form of work often is on first place, a adding to that guarantees a path of development, that the company will be even more attractive – adds Anika Osmólska, Head of People and Culture in Traffit.
In the case of “pink collars” popular benefits in descriptions of positions include:
- flexible wages
(e.g. weekly payments),
- premiums for quality of services,
- the possibility of flexible hours of work or
employment at less hours
- additional days of holiday.
“Pink collars” are employed in
sectors of services and care, such as education, health care, services social, trade retail and hospitality. Examples include nurses, teachers, employees social, sales and hotel staff.
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Additional benefits also for physical workers
“Blue collars” ( physical workers) usually work in manufacturing industry, construction, repair, transportation and other sectors requiring physical work and using special equipment. Examples include construction workers, mechanics, drivers, welder and factory workers.
Most popular bonuses and benefits for physical workers.include:
- premiums for performance,
- wages for overtime,
- diet medical
- compensation for meals.
- Employers often mention also about the Christmas premia or the one-time gratuity premia, which is common for seasonal jobs, when companies employ additional workers, to manage the workload over the holiday period.
Cities, in which employersmentionthemostadditionsinjoboffers,areWarsaw,CracowandWrocław.Injoboffersabroad,especiallyinGermanyandThe Netherlands,theyoftenappearwithadditional benefits.TheyattractPolishpeoplewithhigherwagesthaninPoland,thirteenthpay,flexiblehoursofwork,bonusesforperformanceandfreeaccommodation.