Deputies of the Duma have introduced in the Lower Chamber of the Parliament a bill which proposes to obligate marketplaces to show goods manufactured in Russia, in the first 15 positions of their catalogs or in search results, the document is available in the Duma’s electronic base, Ria Novosti reported.
“The bill establishes the provision, under which the business subject, which performs trading activities by remote method, a also owner of aggregator of information about
In the opinion of the authors of the project, domestic manufacturers should be preferred, and adoption of this initiative will stimulate the development of domestic industry, increasing the competitiveness of domestic products and, as a consequence, the employment of the population and tax receipts to budgets of Russian Federation of different levels.
It is noted that the criteria assignment of goods to category of commodities of domestic manufacture is proposed to determine the government of the Russian Federation.
“First our, then yours. This is how the online displayshouldwork. With every search in top only domestic products. Buying it, each of us is contributing to these products.into the future of the country. It can be considered as an investment. And for shoppers only the benefits. Because it is the local capable of offering unique goods. From sweet Altai honey to Cheboksary knitwear.Moremorethansowe willbe abletoannounceabout ourselvesto theworld.Becauseourmarketplacesarenowon the internationalarena, -said oneof theauthorsoftheprojectDmitriyGusev(JustRussia -For Truth).