
The due payment deadline is approaching: NTD is beginning to send out notices about landtax

Приближается срок уплаты: НТД приступает к рассылке сообщений о земельном налоге

The Tax and Customs Department (NTD) is beginning the distribution of land tax notices to the contacts designated in e-MTA. The deadline for payment of the first part payment of the land

tax in this year is 31 March. In 2025 year the tax load increased. In 2025 year the

tax burden increased. Photo: Peeter Lilleväli



5 February 2025, 09:56

The Tax and Customs Department (NTD) begins sending land tax notices to the contacts listed in e-MTA. The deadline for payment of the first

part payment of the land tax in this year is  31 March.

By February NTD will notify taxpayers by email or text notice of the compilation of the tax notice. After receiving the message, You can access the tax notice in the e-MTA environment by selecting “Taxes” –  “Land Tax” –  “Notices of land tax and data about land.”

The deadline for payment of the first part payment of land tax is 31 March. The deadline for the payment of the rest of the part of the payment is October 1. In this year homeowners will still have the right to the tax benefit on the land under the home.

What has changed in the land tax in this year?

The tax rate of many local governments has changed. Tax rate on a plot of residential or agricultural land, which includes a household plot in this year will be from 0.1-1%. Tax rate of income in the tax rate of the tax rate of the income in this year will from 0.1-1%.of agricultural land remained at the old level of 0.1-0.5%. But the tax rate on land with other purpose designation in this year will be from 0.1-2%. The tax rate set by local governments for 2025 year can be found on the NTD website.

The limit rate of the increase in the land tax, that is the so called protective mechanism. The protective mechanism is designed to ensure that the tax on the land site is not increased so sharply compared with the past year. In 2025 year the land tax for each cadastral unit will increase compared with the past year to 50% or 20 euros in the case, if no tax exemptions or benefits will be applied to the land. If the compared with the land tax of the last year increase by 50% is less than 20 euros, the amount of land tax will increase by 20 euros. If the cadastral unit has tax exemptions or reliefs, then the land tax payable in 2025 year, could differ and more than 50% or 20 euros compared with the amount of the tax for the past year.

The amount of the first payment of land tax has changed. If the amount of land tax exceeds 100 euros, the amount of the first payment is at least half, but at least 100 euros. If the amount of the tax is less than 100 euros, then the first due to the payment of the amount of tax immediately.

The basis for collection of land tax is the value of land determined by the Land and Spatial Department. For questions about the valuation of land must contacttheLand and,andforthecalculationandpaymentoftaxwiththeTax and CustomsDepartment.

TheLandtax- is thestatetaxwith whichinEstoniaEstoniataxesallland.Thetaxratesare set by thelocalgovernment.Thelandtaxinthefullamounttothebudgetofthelocalgovernment,withitssupportthelocalgovernmentcandeveloplocallifestyleandofferservicesdesignatedforthelocalresidents.

For more informationaboutthelandtaxreadontheNTD website.

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