Companies must not only adapt their offers to the deepening demographic crisis, but also show creativity, to attract and more demanding customers. Experts representing the sector of articles for children point out the most important trends and solutions.
The falling number of births in Poland is becoming a serious challenge for the branch of children’s products. The data from the Central Statistical Office shows, that in 2024 the year only 192 thousand children were born. children in the first three quarters – this is the lowest surge since the end of II World War .
The impact of this trend on the market is becoming more and more visible, and companies must adjust their strategies to the changing needs and expectations of consumers. How does this approach chain store Empik and producer products for children and parents Canpol?
Changes in preferences for shopping parents
Anna Gut-Most of Press Office Empire notes, that in salons the network can observe some significant trends around the widely understood “Baby and Mom” category. To this changes the preferences of consumers.
– Customers are becoming more demanding – choose products of higher quality, also those of the premium segment. They are of durability and multifunctional character. Frequently this is also related to attention to ecological issues – popularity on Empik.com enjoys biodegradable diapers, multiple containers or accessories made of organic materials. In addition, among customers there is increasing interest in products for older children, which indicates the extension of the purchasing cycle in this category.They choose products of higher quality, often from the premium segment. they
attend to durability and multifunctionality, and also pay attention to environmental issues, such as biodegradable diapers and accessories
from organic materials – says the expert.
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Fewer children, fewer toys. How is the demographic crisis changing the market?
Similar changes have been seen by theRadosław Lisiecki, Director Commercial Group Canpol, who also emphasizes the growth of product awareness.
– Long-term we observe the strengthening of brands with years of experience, which in the eyes of consumers are a guarantee of safety. Parents want to be assured that their child will be developed properly and are looking for products that help Expert from Empik also reiterates the increase in interest in creative toys and educational products, which support the motor and cognitive development of children. Frequent choices are following their books. As notices Anna Gut-Mostowy, in the category of children’s books the best selling items for children aged 3-5 years, but grow also dynamic in groups 6-8 years and 9-12 years. – The popularity of offers for older children, with slightly lower dynamics for products dedicated to the age group 0-2. Of course the influence on this may have many factors, though it cannot be excluded, that demography is one of these – adds Gut-Most. For today’s parents very important is also convenience. Radoslav Lisiecki requires attention to innovative products supporting daily functioning. – “Convenience” is a trend, which we have successfully addressed, introducing the breakthrough pump cup Canpol babies Hands-Free – product allowing mom to free hands in the process of pumping food from the breast. This lactator in a significant way contributed in the year 2024 to strengthen our position in the category of accessories for moms – Lisiecki notes. Canpol additionally has introduced in its online store the possibility of buying ready sets of (for moms to hospital and for babies), to make even more easy for parents to select necessary products. Additionally Lisiecki emphasizes the importance of aesthetics in products for the youngest. – Product and more often not only have to be functional, but also beautiful. Moms treat as accessories like part of an outfit. A pacifier or cup is suited to their clothes, looking in photos. This is why such large importance we attach to aesthetics of our products and for that parents love the sippers and bottles Canpol babies and Lovi – adds Lisiecki. Firms such Empik and Canpol intensively work on attracting customers to their offers. Empik organizes including seasonal promotions, and also engages experts to create shopping guides and recommendations in the Magazine Online Empik Passions. From Canpol invests in the development channels of communication, such as Instagram and YouTube, offering educational and advice content, which builds loyalty and awareness of the brand. Althoughthedemographiccrisisposesasignificantchallenge,companiesinthechildren’sproductssectorare showing,thattheycanadapttothechangingreality.Growingawarenessofparentsandnewmethodsofpreparingforparentinggivespacefordevelopingnewcategoriesofproductsandfinding innovativesolutionsoffers. .Parents are attentive to development
Young parents choose convenience and aesthetics
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Strategies for adapting to the market