
The cheapest apartments in Estonia: see what you can buy for the average monthly salary!

Самые дешевые квартиры Эстонии: смотрите, какое жилье можно купить за среднюю месячную зарплату!

According to the Estonian Department of Statistics, the average monthly gross salary in the third quarter of last year amounted to 1,959 euros, i.e. 1,530 euros net.Delfi Ärileht researched which apartments are now sold on real estate portals at the price 1530 euros. The choice is not very – for average net salary sold only two apartments. In Kiviõli in Ida-Virumaa sold one-room apartment for 1000 euros. The apartment is 32 m2 located on the
fourth floor of a five-storey house built in 1975. The apartment requires sanitary renovation. See the advertisement and photos HERE. In Püssi in Ida-Virumaa the apartment association is selling
a two-bedroom apartment, located on
the third floor of a three-storey house, built in 1974 year. The area of the apartment 49,4 m2, windows exit to south and north, bathroom and toilet separate, in the house central heating. The apartment is partially renovated. See the advertisement and photos HERE. If to
increase the sale price to
these options will add three>more options. A court executor is selling at public bidding an
ideal private property and the separate property totaling 43.80 m2. The two-room apartment, located on the second floor of a two-storey house 1968 year built. The current time centralized heating is off. See the advertisement and
photos HERE. The Ministry of Finance
is selling at auction a two-room apartment in Kohtla-Järve. The apartment is 36,7 m2 located on the fourth floor of a four-storey house 1927 year built. The apartment has separate rooms
and central heating in the
hotel in Kohtla-Järve. See the advertisement and photos HERE. The Ministry of Finance is selling a two-room apartment in Kohtla-Järve. The apartment is 36,7 m2 located on 3 floor of a four-storey house 1927 year built. The apartment has separate rooms,
the home has centralized heating.


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