The centrist party is funding the filing of a seeking two people affected by the Autonalogue, with a demand
to repeal the tax, because it is contrary
to the Constitution. Alliken Korshunov. Photo: Erakogu
Centrist Party provides funding for the filing of a search by two
people, affected by the authorization, with a request to repeal the tax, because it conflicts the Constitution.
The Centrist Party with the support of the Centrist Party intends to take the court to the pensioner Valdeko Palk from Tartu, who is alone raising a son with a deep disability health, in this year he must pay 614 euros avtonalog, and in the next – 864 euros, and the family Alliken Korshunov from Järvamaa, who are raising five children.
Attorneys for the Centrist Party of WIDEN Olavi-Juri Luik and Armin Heinsaar noted, that the Constitution stipulates that the state and local governments are obliged toeliminateinequalities,caused byhealth impairments,in such a way thatpeoplewithhealth impairmentscanexercisetheirrightsequallywithothers.