
The Burger Lumberjack Effect. How changed the movement atMcDonald’s?

Efekt Burgera Drwala. Jak zmienił ruch w McDonald’s?

Customers McDonald’s countdown every year to the return of a familiar product, which is available only in a limited time offer – Burger Driver. Based on conducted by analyses of traffic around restaurants McDonald’s studied, whether this was also

this season. Lumberjack returns to McDonald's

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Lumber returns to


How seasonal products change the dynamics market fast food in Poland? The success of seasonal burger McDonald’s is an ideal example of how to attract the crowd to restaurants through thought strategy marketing and limited availability of product.

Burger Drwala jednym z najbardziej rozpoznawalnych produktów sezonowych w Polsce

Ruch wokół wolnostojących restauracji McDonald’s w okresie dwóch tygodni od wprowadzenia Burgera Drwala wzrósł średnio o 18% w stosunku ruchu w okresie dwóch tygodniu przed wprowadzeniem kultowego już burgera. In all of this type restaurant network there are visible increases in movement, though they differ dependent on the province and individual restaurants. For example, analysis indicates, that a phenomenal light installation of one of the wrocław restaurant networks has attracted crowds of visitors.

– Burger Driver, available at McDonald’s from end of November to January, it has become over the year one of the most recognizable seasonal products in Poland, changing the dynamics of movement network fast food in the holiday period – remarks Tomasz Władzinski, co-founder, a company specializing in services of type location intelligence. – As data shows, this year’s edition, introduced on 20 November, repeatedly proved to be an effective motor of growth – adds and indicates, that analysis of traffic in free restaurants of McDonald’s showed, that since day of premiere traffic has increased by 18% on average.*

*Analysis traffic at McDonald’s restaurants (in study took only facilities free) in the periods 5.11.2024-20.11.2024 and 20.11.2024-05.12.2024

Regional differences – where Driver has attracted most customers?

Although the effect Driver is visible in thescale of the entire country, an analysis at the provincial level shows interesting regional differences. It was found, that the

increase in the premier Burger Driver


in dependence on the province.

The largest

effect could be observed in Warmińsko-Mazurskie (25.1%), Dolnośląskie (22.8%), Lodz (20.1%) and Lublin (19.8%).

McDonald’s we Wrocław – a superior local and national marketing

One of the most spectacular examples of the success seasonal offer Burger Driver is the free McDonald’s we Wrocław, which has become the center point of the local ambient marketing campaign, which has reverberated with echo across the country. The restaurant has been specially labeled and painted, attracting the attention of both residents, and tourists and media. The campaign included not only visual changes, but also promotional activities in social media and other channels advertising.

The effects were impressive. Since the moment of introducing Burger Driver, the traffic in this concrete restaurant has increased by 89%. This results significantly exceeding the national average, which was 18%. Wroclaw restaurant has become a local attraction, attracting customers not only because of its self product, but also thanks to the unique experience, it offered.

The Driver’s Effect: How does competitors react to the increased movement?

The Burger Driver’s popularity does not go unnoticed by competitors. In response to the seasonal success of Burger Driver, the competitive chain Max Burgers also introduced to its menu a special sandwich, intended to be a direct response to its flagship product McDonald’s. However analysis of the movement conducted by the company shows, that this strategy has not produced as impressive results.

– despite introducing its seasonal sandwich as alternative to Burger Driver, Our analysis did not show a significant increase in the network Max Burgers. Data indicates, that the movement in the platforms of this network has remained at stable level, which suggests, that customers don’t migrate between brands in the search for new offers. It’s worth however noting, that both the scale of this network and the short presence in our country probably has in this.A significant participation – is noted by Tomasz Władzinski.

This phenomenon may suggest some key conclusions: loyalty of customers McDonald’s to Burger Driver, the effectiveness of the marketing campaign this network and the limited power to break the seasonal offer Max Burgers on the tle primed position of a competitor.

Seasonal products, like Burger Driver, show, how the great potential diffuses in limited offers. Data clearly indicate, that a well designed campaign and thought-out location strategy can produce spectacular results.

– there is no doubt, that Burger Driver is the gold standard in strategy seasonal offers. However the real challenge for the catering industry now is understanding local differences and the ability to respond to specific consumer needs in different regions – summarizes Tomasz Władzinski.

Theanalysisisbasedonlocation datafrommobile phonesofconsumers,onasampleofover3milliondevicesinthewholeofPoland.Visitsaredefinedasentryinanareawithina50meterradiusfromacateringlocationdefinedasfree(withexcludingrestaurantsonhighwaysandexpressroads-MOP).Datadoesnotprecisewhethercustomersinthevisithavemadepurchases.Samplesofdataareextrapolated,toberepresentativeofthewholepopulation-similartosurveysorsurveysofmarkets.


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