
The British farmers’ markets are underway. Great news are lacking, except Clarkson in the newtreaty.

Trwają brytyjskie targi rolnicze. Wielkich nowości brak, poza Clarksonem w nowym traktorze

LAMMA is an abbreviation from Lincolnshire Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers Association, a same fair held annually since 1982 . Although it is the largest of this type event in Great Britain it does not have a major importance on the world, or European scale. Nevertheless it is worth looking at the news trades, on an occasion a little gossip about there celebrities, to see how the UK market looks after Brexit.

This year’s LAMMA Show will be held at the center NEC in Birmingham on January 15-16 2025, that is exactly yesterday and Today. Equipment was exhibited in

11 halls with presence of 600 exhibitors.

Jeremy Clarkson with new tractor?

Jeremy Clarkson has emerged as one of three runners of Top Gear magazine, which has less more from the beginning XXI w. changed the formula and became a great television show about motoring themes. In this time the famous English journalist appears in the program Clarkson’s Farm (broadcast from 2021 year.), in which this uncouth “bourgeois” faces the regulations and obligations by entering the role of farmer.

During the fair many fans of the farmer series saw both the

Clarkson himself, as and his farmer helper Kaleb Cooper, who was one of the guests of the tire brand Kirkby.

Jeremy Clarkson was turning here and there, but it wasn’t until Kearney Bros Agri, dealer of the Deutz-Fahr brand, gave an answer to why the really was seeking the journalist:

– Congratulations to our new customer, Jeremy Clarkson of Diddly Squat Farm, who today received his new Deutz-Fahr 9340TTV. Thanks Jeremy.

Of course the record dealer brand owned by SDF Group is only a joke and most likely Jeremy Clarskson was only sitting behind the steering wheel of Deutz-Fahr’s checking changes and improvements in the relationship to theolder machines.

We remind you, that Jeremy Clarkson uses on his farm a tractor Lamborghini and hence the interest in tractors SDF Group. The brand Lmborghini has disappeared from the portfolio of the Italian conglomerate, but you can order Deutz-Fahr in white colors of the famous Italian brand. For today the 9 series is not available in the Lamborghini Edition, but according SDF this is likely to change soon. Who knows, may

Clarkson really appear in Deutz Fahr only painted in white and with Lamborghini badges? For the Italian manufacturer it would be a

good marketing move and final attention to changes in available brands and options.

There will be more

models of the series Lamborghini Edition. and their power is even 287 hp

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There will be more models from series Lamborghini Edition. Their power is even 287 hp

Prizes for innovations

During every fair event there are awards for innovations. Not the same is in Birmingham. We will not write about all, because there is so much, only we will remember the most important ones.

Before all in the machinery category the award was won by Kverneland, this time for Curve Pilot. This option is dedicated to the flag 55100MTVario mowers and details the automatic management of the sideways function.

The Curve Pilot function, now standard assembled on machines of the premium brand Kverneland, automatically moves both rear cutting units by as much as 400 mm, dependent on the direction of

the trailer. What is important is that the system does not need any GPS, or integration automatic control to operate. Instead it uses a simple mechanism of gyroscopic to detect movements of turning. And all after this there would be no track strips on the message.

By appearance

the other new (which incidentally won the bronze medal in one of the categories) shown at

the fair by Kverneland is the Kverneland Sync system, about which we mentioned in the article below.

It is also worth mentioning, that bronze in the machinery category.crop won shown already at fairs Agro

Show in Bednarach Rotago F.

Kverneland Sync eases exchange

data and improves profitability

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Kverneland Sync will easily exchange data and improve rentownership Kverneland Rotago F with remote adjustable depth operation

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Kverneland Rotago F with remote adjustable depth work

Another interesting product awarded by jury is Revolution Injection Gun, that is the latest device designed for precise treatment of human animals, offering calibrated dosing adapted to the accurate weight of each animal. Innovation reduces overdosing, which can be costly and harmful to the environment, while preventing underdosing, which can lead to resistance to treatment.

From cultivation machines highlighted a product already noticed at the EIMA fair, that is the Optimer cultivator from Kuhn with a width of 6 and 7,5 meters, which have been improved by integrating with the ISOBUS system technology Smart Soil Technology (SST). The system provides constant role depth on uneven terrain by automatically adjusting tracking ground. The pressure and position sensors interact with the computer, so that they manage the settings without manual intervention,

even at high speeds. There is also the Auto-Line function, which keeps the machine perfectly

aligned behind the tractor, adapting to slopes, soil and changes in depth. The central coulter

measures angles of drift, and hydraulic actuators adjust positions of discs, so that maintains uniform performance.

Smart Soil Technology reduces fuel consumption, preventing depth maintenance, lowering costs.operational with while maintaining optimal performance. Full control in the cabinet eliminates the need for manual adjustments.

Harrow talerzowa 4.0 and other news Kuhn's

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Taller Harrow 4.0 and other news Kuhn

Machine of the year became the award veteran of the last period, that is,

the Fendt 600 Vario.

News on LAMMA 2025

Yes as we already wrote, new on the fair there

are too many – of course such, about which we have not yet written or not seen at other events. In all the setting of the English media the star of the fair is the Case IH AF10, about which we wrote extensively in the report from the fair EIMA.

European premiere combine Case IH AF10. More power, performance and comfort

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European premiera-kombajnu-case Case IH AF10. More power, performance and comfort

Another innovation are break loaders JCB TM280 with power 109 hp and hydrostatic drive and TM280S with power 130 hp and hydromechanical DualTech VT. The distinguishing features of these machines are their dimensions: width of just 2 m and height 2.6 m. The compact size has been achieved thanks to the new chassis structure, which accommodates the propulsion system so low, as possible, while simultaneously providing lift 2.75 m and lift height of 4.8 m. JCB is also promising another new loader series TM. The English company see the need for such machines in the world market. Details are held in secrecy until the final specifications and equipment are determined.

Another new in the offer of telescopic loaders, this and the Loadall series, are the versions Agri Pro 538-60 and 560-80. The first of these after the first introduces.Hydromechanical box

drives DualTech VT with speed 50 km/h to class 6 m, providing hydrostatic drive

for precise control at low speed and automatic drive direct Powershift for efficient

driving on field and road. Specification Agri Pro also includes an improved drive system with heavier axles, wide tires and double brake system, to further increase the productivity potential of these machines.

For operations requiring large lift – in particular laying and lifting bel – the new JCB Loadall 542-100 connects lift 4,2 ton and height lift 9.8 m with gear DualTech VT of speeds 40 km/h or 50 km/h.

Two-millionth tractor New Holland from Basildon



Two-millionth tractor New Holland from Basildon

If there is an exhibition on New Holland’s stand then the star is the 2-million tractor from the factory in Basildon, but in addition to it is present m. in. shown after for the first in Great Britain (for a wider group of viewers) the new T5 Dual Command (there is

also the new Case IH Farmall C). There is also a combine CR9.90 with automation system IntelliSense,

a T7 trailer with longer spacing and with luxury cab Horizon Ultra Cab and PLM Intelligence.

For planters and gardeners showcased the compact tractor Boomer equipped with Stage V standards.

If it comes to the Kuhn brand, there is an in addition to the awarded Optimer recent attention to the 13-meter grader GF 13003, which we know already has from every 2023 year. Similar is with the

Seed Hawk brand Vaderstad and trailers Pottinger Jumbo 5390, which we already know from the fair in Hannover in 2023 year, but the LAMMA 2025 machines are advertised as the premiere of the local market.

Wider and innovative, that is the new crabbers and tumblers Kuhn's .

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and innovative, that is, the new crabbers and tumblers Kuhn

A premiere never more shown is with certainty

the self-propelled feeder BvL V-Mix Drive Maximus Plus. This is to this time the largest mobile

fodder vehicle from BvL, which can boast a capacity of 21 m3. The new double-screw flagship powered is by 5-cylinder engine FPT with power of 224 hp.

Sport new is also a Massey Ferguson 5M, which we already have seen, but LAMMA 2025 is the first official fair with the upgraded tractor from AGCO in the main role. More about 5M under. Among tractors from Great Britain could see also Massey Ferguson 9S and Fandt 600 Vario and more powerful Kioti HX1301 and HX1401, which we already know from Agro Show.

There will be a new Massey Ferguson 5M. Meet go in Bologna

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There will be a new Massey Ferguson 5M. We met him in Bologna

Iseki from LAMMA 2025 celebrates the 100th anniversary of the company. On the

stand you can see standard tractors from the Japanese compact vehicles of the TG6, TLE and TXGS24 series, mower SXG3 and electric mower remote controlled Raymo designed to work on slopes and in hard accessible places, whose distributor is the British branch of Iseki.

There are

also protests agricultural

As it appears, also in non European Union Great Britain farmers must protest. Of course in this case, for known reasons, it is not about the Green Agreement with Mercosur, but about other issues.

The English are concerned about the future of British farms because of proposed changes in APR (relief for agricultural real estate) and BPR (relief for property commercial), and also other inflationary policies provided in the budget of October of the last year, including increases in insurance premiums.Social employers and national wage minimum.

– Such as family farms may suffer from this tax, so same enterprises operating in the wider agricultural sector may soon find themselves under crushing pressure. Farm farms are often the barometer of the rural economy and many of these have restricted investment in their farms, because every money they have or could borrow, will have to go to save the future of farming – said at LAMMA 2025 Tom Bradshaw, president of NFU (National Union of Farmers).

NFU has made a declaration to businesses, that they will join the fight to stop unfair taxes. An independent analysis commissioned by the NFU showed, that 75 proc. farms can in some way feel the effects of tax on family farms, though left politicians and journalists have stated something completely different. The tax is supposed to good people with holdings of over 1 million funds.  

The entire package of changes is significantly widened and affects mainly enterprises. New data from CBI Economics shows, that changes in BPR may lead to loss of over 125 thousand. jobs and family enterprises will significantly limit investment. Bearing in mind, that many of these enterprises base their activity on the well prosperous agricultural sector, which also appeals to the government to reconsider this policy.

-. In trouble for the future of our industry and for the essential growth of the economy I call on all enterprises related to sign our commitment, which will show the government, that it is not too late to review the plans and consider the unintended consequences of changes in APR and BPR for our sector and the economy as a whole.Changes in the inheritance tax must be held and consulted – added the president of NFU.

The NFU appeal is supported by manufacturers and English companies. The president of the farmers’ union responded to the owner of Claydon, a well-known also on the Polish market.

– I started a family business related to the production of seeders 20 years ago and I am extremely concerned about changes in tax on inheritances, which will restrict the activity of private firms and the development of family businesses. Without profits there is no business. (…) In addition to tax on family farms, there are so many questions, to which the government still has no answer. In the case of our business the decision on the Fund of Agriculture and Technology means,

that the orders have faded in the dead point, and we have warehouses full of

stocks. We want growth, the government has repeatedly reiterated, that it wants growth, butitmustreviseitsshort-termplansforagriculture,becauseitisreduced-saidJeffClaydon,directorgeneraloftheseedlingcompanyClaydon.

Theissueofthetaxwilldividenotonlypoliticiansandcitizens,butandthefarmers themselves,becausetheissue according to.politiciansaffecta small,butbutrichgroupoffarmers.InNovemberagainstnewfeescametoprotesttoLondonfarmersfromallthecountry.Accordingtostatisticsthereweremore than10thousands.Ontheprotestappearedalsocelebrities,m.inJeremyClarkson.

TheGovernmentKeiraStarmerwantstotaxfarmsofvalueabovemillionfundstransferredinheritance.Hencenotsurprisingthepresenceonprotestscelebrities-apparentlyinEnglandbuyinglandhasbecomethelastgoodwaytoavoidtaxes,asuchcombinationsareobviouslythedomainofthe wealthy.NeverthelessthismanypeoplefearthattheproposedbytheBritishgovernmentchangesmayhitalsothesmallerfarmers,whohavelotsofland,a sizableparkofmachinery,butdonothavea greatfortuneontheiraccount.



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