
The Asda, Sainsbury’s and Morrisons chains will cut thousands ofjobs

Сети Asda, Sainsbury’s и Morrisons сократят тысячи рабочих мест

Britain’s largest British trading chains continue to take measures to cut costs, which causes the loss of thousands of jobs, wrote Retail Detail. In Asda, Sainsbury’s and Morrisons noted, that the increase in spending was caused by measures taken by the Government of the UK, which forced companies to increase spending on social security and minimum wage wages.

MAYA LAB/Shutterstock/Fotodom

MAYA LAB/Shutterstock/Fotodom

The second in largest British supermarket chain Sainsbury’s plans to in the next time to cut more than 3 000 jobs in head office and in stores. The counters will also be removed with fresh baked goods, hot meals and pizza, and the bakery company plans to convert to self-service. In addition, the management of the chain has decided to close 61 Sainsbury’s cafes. This is how the general director Simon Roberts considers saving a billion pounds of sterling (1.2 billion euros) in

For similar reasons Morrisons (the fifth largest Morrisons chain of stores in

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