Tensions between officials and ministers are growing around the world, including in Estonia, a recent study shows. The need to quickly find solutions to growing problems is making it increasingly difficult for officials to speak truth to power, writes the British business newspaper Financial Times. Official. Photo illustrative. Photo: freepik.com
Tensions between officials and ministers are growing around the world, including in Estonia, a recent study shows. The need to quickly find solutions to growing problems is making it increasingly difficult for officials to speak truth to power, writes the British business newspaper Financial Times.
The report, published on Wednesday by the Global Government Forum, surveyed civil service leaders from the UK, US, France, Australia, Canada, Singapore, Ireland, Estonia, Finland, Nigeria, Indonesia and Barbados.
The Financial Times reports that the research, led by former Prime Minister Gus O'Donnell, who worked with three prime ministers, identified a number of common pain points around the world.