Famous investors in real estate at the Conference Investor Toomas told about their investments both in Estonia, so and abroad, and also noted the most important tool of any investor: the Excel spreadsheet, writes dv.ee.Kärt Liivamägi, in the investment portfolio which has and real estate in Tenerife, confessed, that originally didn’t plan to buy real estate on this island. Thought, of course, was, but the main focus was on investing in Estonia. Once the plans changed. “From first we with my husband thought to wait five to seven years before investing in foreign real estate, but then we asked
ourselves, what would this waiting give us?” But why Tenerife? Liivamägi was attracted by the limited area of land on the Canaries and high demand for real estate. “It is also one of the few places in the European Union where it is warm all
year round,” she said. Liivamägi said that other countries she had never considered – thoughts of Italy had been that Spain was more familiar. “Investing over the border is high risk and complicated, ” she warned, mentioning the differences in the legal environment and the tax system. In addition, it is necessary to take into account different local circumstances, which in the words of the investor, cannot be displayed in Excel. Read
more at dv.ee. .