In year 2024 the Teletorium network repeatedly grew and opened 31 new stores, which increased the number of franchise points to 210.
The seller of GSM accessories in Poland plans to in 2025 year to acquire another some franchisees. As stresses director general Piotr Andrzejewski, the availability of profitable locations still is very large, which creates perfect opportunities for future partners of Teletorium.
Growth and expansion
In 2024 year the Teletorium stores will visit other top galleries in Poland, such as Riviera Gdynia, Galeria Katowicka and Galeria Pomorska in Bydgoszcz, but also in smaller facilities, such as Galeria Rondo Wiatraczna in Warsaw or Galeria Fordon in Bydgoszcz. The network with success also entered in commercial centers in locations, such as Jędrzejów, Ostrów Wielkopolski and Leszno.
– Smaller commercial centers often offer favorable leasing conditions, which translates into more attractive costs for our franchisees – says Piotr Andrzejewski. As he emphasizes, the success of franchisees in such locations proves, that
the profitability of a Teletorium point does not depend on the size of center trading.
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Distinctive conditions of cooperation
Teletorium offers franchisees unconventional conditions of cooperation. W in contrast to many other networks, which require partners to find self locations, Teletorium takes on its own this obligation, leasing commercial space in high quality locations. Franchisees receive access to ready, furnished trade premises, which much eases the startup of business. Cost of own contribution, estimated at about 50 tys. £, in a large
large meter includes marketing, a thanks to direct cooperation with accessories manufacturers, franchisees can count on low
wholesale prices.
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Franchise network has earned close to 207 million £ income
Franchisees Teletorium have also opportunities for additional sources of income, such as service telephones or cooperation with telecom operators. Piotr Andrzejewski emphasizes the flexibility of conditions of cooperation, which allows adapting the offer to the individual needs of partners. – We listen to the needs of franchisees, which fosters their success and contributes to further development of the network – remarks thedirector.Addresses,thatinthiswaytheTeletoriumstrengthensitspositionasleaderinthePolishmarketaccessoriesGSM,andthankstoitsattentiontopositiverelationshipswithitspartners,it owesitsdynamicdevelopment.