From the new year the new rules of taxation on real estate have come into use. Changes to the advantage of taxpayers affect primarily constructions, which in the earlier version of the law were exempt from taxation. Of how painful this may be the changes in the case of agricultural enterprise was convinced by Zbigniew Klasa, owner of Agricultural Company Dretyń in Pomerania.
Silos for silage, silos storage for grain, flowers for straw and machinery, paved yards and roads access roads, tanks for manure, wall resistance by tank for silage and tank fire., fences, network water and electricity, chimney at discontinued gastrophe – from this year I have to in this year to pay tax on the property. – calculates Zbigniew Klasa, owner of a farm in bytown county. –After reckoning it came out to me, that
I have to pay 7 times more tax, than a year ago.
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real estate in up. 15 March falls the valid deadline
Victim of fiscal debt
The company Dretyń operates on 1200 hectares of land and is involved in plant production. The main direction of activity is the cultivation and sale of thistle, wheat and beans.
This law is a ordinary robbery with white gloves, because it cannot be named in another such horrendal increase of charges from year to year – thinks the entrepreneur.-All results from this, in the new version of the law exempts from taxation only buildings designated for agricultural activities, but gets buildings. In light of these regulations
I must therefore pay tax on everything, amounting to 2% of value. And this is the same farm as
before a year and the same activity agricultural.
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1 January 2025 the tax on fencing came into effect. See, who will pay
Silos that is not magazine?
Entrepreneur counts namely fiscal absurdities of new regulations.
I have in farm 17 silos storage facilities. If these were flat storage facilities, then I would not have to pay. And why these silos are different from magazines, because they perform the same task – argues Zbigniew Klasa.
Farmer reminds, that not long ago the government appealed to farmers, to set and increase the possibility of storing grain in the country, in associated with the war in Ukraine.
-A now we have to pay for those investments for years haracz? – asks an outraged entrepreneur. -How do function and run business in the state, which funds us such increases? I feel as if I were punished for the fact that that for so many years I have invested in my farm.
Tax for the cold chimney
On the list of buildings to tax this year there was also a chimney gathering plant, which stands in the farm of the company Dretyn. In the farm there are empty today objects.
This hurts me especially, because I had to suspend production at the growery. Already some years ear earlier I wanted to link the plant to the biogas plant and a animal farm. There was a barn, barn. I already
had permits and conditions for connections, but our whole branch could not wait for any guarantee,
that such investment would be in the longer perspective profitable. No and I gave up on it, because
the risk was too large – confesses a Pomeranian farmer.-.And when the biogas plant I decided to replace with photovoltaics, it turned out that that the promised already for biogas plants would not get.
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Tax for garden shed higher than for house?
Costs increase, taxes hit
Costs.Production, activity agriculture still growing: road energy, fuel, all media, fertilizers, protection plants, material seed, a to this we still have to bear and higher tax burdens, though the purchase prices are at the threshold of profitability or
below. How do we further produce and plan the future under such conditions? – asks an
entrepreneur from Bytown.Was the tax on real estate to be the nail to the rumin for
Poland agriculture?
Zbigniew Klasa had to declare to property tax on the end of January. She learned that she may
also apply for extension of the payment obligation until the end of March. Wonders what this changes in his
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They will rip off us tax even for photovoltaic panels .