
Tax Department: Three major benefits have been eliminated, when refunding taxes for education it is toconsidernuance

Налоговый департамент: три основные льготы исчезли, при возврате налогов за обучение стоит учесть нюанс

In a month the filing of tax declarations for the last year. What is new in declaring income and paying avtonalog? Who

will be under special control?

  • Returns for taxes will be significantly fewer
  • Autonalog will pay 500 000 people, otherwise fine
  • There will be sample controls of the employees of platforms

After a month the filing of tax declarations for the last year.

What is new in declaring income and paying avtonalog? Who will be under special control?

With questions Rus.Postimees answered in direct air chief specialist of the tax department of Tatiana Klettenberg. 

Excerpts from the conversation:

– What has changed in the declarations of income? What tax benefits will the population not receive?

– – In this year it will not be able to deduct interest on housing loans and the additional nontaxable minimum for maintaining two or more children, and also cannot transfer to the spouse an additional non taxable taxable minimum.

– The population will not receive serious amounts? For example, for three large benefits, now canceled, families with three and more children were recovering 1,000 euros….

– – Really, this year the returns will be much fewer.

– What tax benefits have been preserved so far? Which cases can will recover 20% of income tax?

– The There are still such tax benefits as non taxable income . If the annual income was below 25 000 euros, and the income tax was withheld from the first euro, thenWith the declaration of income tax can be recovered.

In addition, the tax benefits are extended to donations and expenses for training. (that is, 240 Euros prim. red.).

There is one nuance to consider. For example, if If for circles and sections paid 2000 euros, one of the parents can refund the tax on the maximum possible amount of 1200 euros. From the remaining amount of 800 euros can return 20% to the second parent, if the data are transmitted to the declaration (check the check in the “want to transmit data” box). While this parents must have been legally married by the state of 31 December 2024 year.

– Who will tax officials take under special control?

– – In this year they should pay attention to transactions involving investment accounts. If nothing has occurred in your investment account in the past year, the declaration always needs to be provided. This will allow the residuals of the funds to be carried forward to the future year. Thereby it will be easier to cover losses if these occur. In other words, it would be possible to write off part of the tax liabilities in the future.

Declaring transactions with valuable paper – also under special control. The statistics of the last years show that the volumes of investments in valuable prices are increasing (sums exceeded 1 billion eurosprim.ed.), so the Tax and Customs department has many questions.

– Workers of platforms – such as Wolt, Bolt, Airbnb, FB Marketplace – are also under the hood.

– Yes, they are in focus on our attention for the last two years. In the last year the platforms first reported their deals. We will analyze this data, but in this year we will not have time to insert them into the declarations at the preliminary fill-in stage. So, one who received income from the Platform that was not taxed with taxes needed to manually enter all the data into the declaration.

– So that the employees platforms will be checked post facto and selectively?

– Yes, as at this today the pending analysis of the data provided by platforms and the risk analysis is being compiled. The results will select private individuals that will be controlled. In the next year we plan that all data will be visible already in the pre-filled declarations.

– – When will tax authorities begin to receive data from cryptocurrency platforms?

– The platforms will first be obligated to provide data for 2026 the year that will occur in 2027 year.

– Will the taxpayers’ control become tougher?

– We always treat the taxpayers as loyal enough to position ourselves as a friend of the taxpayer. When we have questions and problems we always try to help. Fine sanctions are applied only in the case if our instructions are further ignored.

– Will there be any opportunity to use overpaid taxes to pay future requirements for land and auto tax?

– – If overpayment of income taxes the system will offer the opportunity to direct the amount to the prepayment account,where in the time will be paid the tax obligations. First – the land tax (31 March), then the avtonalog (16 June). In these dates the first part of the tax obligations will be claimed.

– If the accumulated funds are not enough to pay the avtonalog, or the owner of the auto forgets to pay the account on the next day will interest start to accrue?

– S From 17 June the interest (0.06% per dayprim.ed.).

– Many auto-owners, when they saw the amount of the auto-tax, were surprised, some – were horrified.

– Can Can challenge

the billed bill?

– Can challenge the amount of the assigned authorized autologue always. To do so, you must send an electronic letter to the Tax and Customs Department, which will in turn contact the Transportation Department to clarify the data for the vehicle.

As of today the Tax and Customs Department has already done approximately 1.5 thousand recalculations.

As of Monday the Department began sending notices. Thisprocesswillcontinueuntil15February.Theauto taxwill be paid by alargenumber ofpeople-approximately500000auto-owners.

Please read more in therepeat!

StudioPostimees:tightcontroloftheincomeandpaymentofavtonalog? Photo:KonstantinSednev

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