At the beginning of July, total tax debts in Latvia, including current, suspended and extended debts, amounted to 855.865 million euros, which is 2.7% more than a month earlier, but 0.7% less than at the beginning of the year , according to data from the State Revenue Service (VID). Including debts to the main state budget amounted to 379.702 million euros (0.9% more than at the beginning of June), debts to local government budgets amounted to 296.377 million euros (4.9% more). more), arrears in social insurance contributions – 179.785 million euros (3.2% more). Current debts for which late penalties were calculated accounted for 62.2% of the total amount, or 532.785 million euros. Debts in the amount of 2.407 million euros that had accumulated with liquidated enterprises before the completion of the liquidation procedure were recognized as not subject to collection. Debts in the amount of 530.378 million euros were recognized as subject to collection, including 243.881 million euros subject to actual collection, and 286.497 million euros not subject to actual collection. A deferment on repayment dates as of July 1 was provided for debts in the amount of 96.264 million euros, which is 2.4% more than at the beginning of the year. The amount of suspended debts, for which the calculation of penalties was stopped, at the beginning of July amounted to 226.816 million euros – these are the debts of enterprises declared insolvent. As of January 1, 2024, the total tax debt in Latvia was EUR 862.392 million.