The co-founder of the Wildberries marketplace, Vladislav Bakalchuk, said in his Telegram channel that sooner or later Tatyana Bakalchuk will be removed from business management.
“I was the first to be removed from Wildberries management. Sooner or later they will do the same to Tatyana. “I hoped that my open position would cause the Mirzoyan brothers to think about the consequences of their deal, given the weak position in which they found themselves, both from a business and legal perspective,” he wrote.
Bakalchuk also said that he tried to convince his wife not to merge WB with the outdoor advertising operator Russ, but she did not listen to these arguments and the family business “found itself in the hands of unscrupulous partners.”
Read also: Why did Tatyana Bakalchuk decide to sell Wildberries?
Lawyer Ilya Rusyaev presented with three scenarios for the removal of Tatyana Bakalchuk from managing the marketplace.
In particular, he admitted that a businesswoman could lose part of her share in the company as a result of the division of property during a divorce from her husband, Vladislav Bakalchuk.
Scenario 1
In accordance with Article 38 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, when dividing the common property of spouses, the court, at the request of the spouses, determines what property is to be transferred to each of them. If Tatyana Bakalchuk's share in the company is significantly reduced as a result of the division of property, this may lead to restrictions on her ability to manage the business.
Scenario 2
According to the Federal Law “On Limited Liability Companies”, all its participants have the right to manage the company, but the agreement may stipulate the conditions under which a participant can be removed from management.
This may become the basis for the removal of Tatyana Bakalchuk from leadership. For example, if it is established that its actions cause significant harm to the interests of society or interfere with the achievement of the goals for which it was created.
Scenario 3
The third possible scenario is related to a potential violation of antitrust laws during the merger of Wildberries and Russ. Thus, if the FAS establishes the fact of restriction of competition in the market as a result of the transaction, the company will be obliged to terminate the contract or carry out a reorganization. In this case, Tatyana Bakalchuk may also be removed from management, the lawyer noted.