
“Tatspirtprom defeated Novabev in vodka production

«Татспиртпром» обошел Novabev в производстве водки

Russian alcoholic company Tatspirtprom took the list of vodka producers by results 2024 year, increasing product output by 8% by compared with the previous year and surpassing the previous leader Novabev Group, which demonstrated a decrease by 3%. Ab this wrote the newspaper “Kommersant” with reference to data from participants of the market.



By Last year year owned by the government of Tatarstan AO Tatspirtprom (brands Tundra, “Russkaya currency”, “Khanskaya”) produced products for 10.25 million decaliters (dal), while Novabev Group (Beluga, “Belenkaya”, “Myagkov”), which headed the list in

Third place is Alcoholic Siberian Group (brands Five Lakes, Belaya Berezka, Haski), which increased production by 14%, to 8.96 mln dal.

The most expressive growth among the top-20 key vodka producers showed LVZ “Saransky” (vodka “Balchug”, “Chistye rosy”, Spelta) – 85%, to 4.45 million dal, and group Ladoga (brands Fowler’s, “Tsarskaya”, Barrister) – by 59%, to 3.27 million dal. A noticeable decrease in the alcoholic production company (APK), producing vodka “Baikal”,- by 48%, to 1,36 mln dal. In December 2024 year it became known that APK has submitted to

In Ladoga reported that the main driver of the issue of vodka was the increase in demand for premium vodka.products. After the raise of the minimum retail price (MRC) on this drink some cheap brands of vodka are almost almost almostalmostalmostalmostalmostalmostalmostalmostalmostalmost expensivealcohol,thecompany added.

The producer ofvodka”Slavyanskaya”hassubmittedan applicationfor liquidationofthecompany


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