– EN
Greece, France and Portugal will both consider a 100 percent real asset tax…
Spain’s 100 percent tax on property buyers from abroad is increasing has prompted France Greece and Portugal to reflect on the same decisions. “We fight with Airbnb with our powers” – they stress.[more] Costs are behind the expanding rent prices, not…
Read MoreShorting specialists say – stop, but they want to shareknowledge(
Nathaniel Anderson, considered the capital market informant, announced the closure of Hindenburg Research . She specialised in the sorting in the area by revealing the inaccuracies in the financial accounts of the investigated enterprises in the mach…
Read MoreRetail growth United States disappointed (
During the holiday month of December the retail volumes in America were strong but lowest in the last four months and no less than expected.[more] In the last month this indicator in this country increased by 0.4 percent, or half less than one month…
Read MoreTKM Grupp quarterly revenue grows, but yearly money fall (
Estonian retail company TKM Grupp (formerly Tallinna Kaubamaja Grupp), which operates in different sectors, as usual the first among the Baltic based representations presented the results of its activities of the previous quarter. It turned out that…
Read MoreChina’s GDP GDP 2024 years grows by 5 percent (SEBBank)
Following another optimistic Wednesday trading session, evening the main U.S. stock indexes moderately decreased (S&P500 -0.21 percent, NASDAQ -0.89 percent, DOW JONES -0,16 percent). Trading in Europe was positive – the EURO STOXX 50 stock index was…
Read MoreChina’s GDP growth fastest in years with half ofChinaGDPgrowth(
China’s economy, which is the second largest economy in the world,In the last quarter of the last year the most quarter of the last year has recorded the fastest growth in the past years with a half of the expected in but it has been greater.[more] I…
Read MoreWall Street expects millions growth (
Today is the official start of the last quarter and annual performance announcement season in the United States of America . What do analysts believe? [more] The general analysts disagreement is because the floating US stock market index S&P500 perfo…
Read MoreThe largest US bank hurts (
The largest by assets held American bank JPMorgan Chase today was the first bank to present its last quarter and total yearly performance results. The quarter revenue, quarter profit had exceeded and exceeded expectations. Ahead of the trading sessi…
Read MoreAmerica sees its third consecutive month of annual inflation increase (
In December the annual inflation in America started for the th third time in a row to reach the mid summer level in a row and to meet the mid summer.[more] Annual price growth rose from 2.7 to 2.9 percent, while annual base inflation increased that i…
Read MoreGoldman Sachs money shocked more no doubles (
The American investment bank Goldman Sachs released its performance for the last quarter which was an improvement and exceeded expectations. After the beginning of this day’s trading session the stock was perceptibly priced: [b][green]Goldman Sachs 6…
Read MorePositive signs on US price increase were encouraged market (SEB bank)
Hopeful inflation data. The recent data shows signs that the U.S. price increase trend is slowing. Basic inflation, which for a long period has shown no signs of decreasing has slowly shifted up to 3.2 percent . Much optimism is induced by 2.7 percen…
Read MoreWeekly Market Overview (01.06 – 01.10) (Myriad capital)
Praėjusią savaitę pagrindiniams JAV indeksams sakėsi prastai. Pagrinde prie to prisidėjo Washington Post paskelbta informacija, jog D. Trumpo administracijos planas dėl tarifų turėtų būti kiek kitoks nei planuota anksčiau. Plačiau skaitykite čia: htt…
Read MoreEquity markets fall despite strong US job markets (SEB bank)
Gandai apie JAV darbo rinkos pražūtį buvo šiek tiek perdėti. Tokį sakinį rašėme dar spalio mėnesį, tačiau nerimas dėl darbo rinkos nenutilo iki šiol. Gruodžio mėnesį nedarbas mažėjo iki 4,1 proc., buvo sukurta ženkliai daugiau nei tikėtasi naujų darb…
Read MoreIPO value in Europe pašoko more more neither du dutimes(
Last year, compared with 2023 years, the value of initial prime public offers (IPOs) surpassed more than twice.[more] According to the most recent PwC report, the value of prime public shares offers in European securities markets rose by 103 % in…
Read MoreAnglys pigiausios per pastaruosius trejus su puse metų (
Newcastle carbon cities sandor price a dry kilow to less than 114 dollars per ton and is the lowest in the last three three half years,The recent increasing production has compensated for the high demand of the world’s largest consumers of fossil fu…
Read MoreVolstryte visi laukia augimo (
Taigi, prasidėjo šie naujieji 2025 metai. Visi pagrindiniai Volstryto bankų ir investicinių kompanijų strategai vieningai tikisi, jog tai bus dar vieni augimo metai Amerikos akcijų rinkoje. Ar tokį optimizmą reikėtų vertinti kaip perspėjimo signalą?[…
Read MoreGazprom to reduce the number of employees (
Russian gas giant Gazprom is planning to cut the number of employees at its headquarters in St Petersburg by almost 40 percent, to cut costs and improve decision making , Bloomberg announces.[more] According to Day 23 December letter from Director Ge…
Read MoreG7 svarstys galimybę sumažinti Rusijos naftos kainos ribą (
The G7 countries will consider the possibility of reducing the peak of Russia’s oil price threshold, Olof Gill the Europe’s commission spokesman, said on Monday.
Read MoreDar vienas išbandymas Prancūzijos valdžiai (SEB bankas)
Akcijų rinkas vakar palaikė gynybinės akcijos. S&P 500 indeksas didėjo 0,2 proc., tačiau žymusis „Magnificent 7“ indeksas krito 0,8 proc., o kitos technologijų akcijos taip pat pigo. Tuo metu energetikos ir žaliavų įmonės brango apie 2,2 proc., sveik…
Read MoreIndia will not admit tankers with Russianoil(
India will not admit tankers carrying Russian crude oil which are under U.S. sanctions in its port ,Bloomberg reports.[more] The mentioned media group announces that the declarations of the restrictions imposed by Washington last Friday on Russia’s p…
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