
Postimees – EN

Финансовая инспекция сделала предписание известной компании по производству нижнего белья
2 English Postimees

The Financial Inspectorate has issued a precept to a well-known lingerie company

Финансовая инспекция сделала компании Silvano Fashion Group, основным акционером которой является Тоомас Тууль, предписание.

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РАУЛЬ ЭАМЕТС ⟩ Банк Эстонии наглядно показал, что решения правительства ухудшат благосостояние людей в ближайшие годы
2 English Postimees

RAUL EAMETS ⟩ The Bank of Estonia has clearly shown that the government's decisions will worsen people's well-being in the coming years

In its recently published economic forecast, the Bank of Estonia provides specific figures and claims that the economic decisions planned by the government will lead to a decrease in the welfare of Estonian citizens in the coming years, writes Bigban…

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Все не так печально? Дефицит бюджета меньше, чем предполагалось
2 English Postimees

Not so bad? Budget deficit is smaller than expected

According to preliminary data published by the Department of Statistics in the spring, the public sector budget deficit last year was 3.4 percent of GDP. Now, according to updated data, the figure has dropped significantly.

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ЭКОНОМИКА360° ⟩ Спрос на книги из России высок, «Капитал» Маркса бьет рекорды популярности
2 English Postimees

ECONOMY360° ⟩ Demand for Russian books is high, Marx's Capital breaks popularity records

In the latest episode of the podcast “Economy360°”, we discuss how successful the trade of books published in Russia is on the local market today.

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Транспортная компания движется к ликвидации: в правлении появился «могильщик»
2 English Postimees

Transport company moves towards liquidation: a "gravedigger" has appeared on the board

The transport company Parme Trans, which announced the largest loss in its history in the 2022 financial year, was looking to the future with confidence in the spring, but at the end of August both the company's name and its management changed. O…

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ВИДЕО ⟩ Хитрые трюки маркетологов: и снова по лбу теми же граблями!
2 English Postimees

VIDEO ⟩ Clever tricks of marketers: and again on the forehead with the same rake!

In the latest episode of the show “In the Kitchen,” we’ll talk about marketing and the clever tricks of marketers that we, beautiful and smart, fall for with enviable regularity.

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Банк объясняет: есть ли возрастные ограничения для жилищных кредитов?
2 English Postimees

Bank explains: Are there age limits for housing loans?

Although it is usually recommended to take out a housing loan for 30 years, an application can also be submitted by a person who needs to repay the loan much faster. Head of the Luminor Credit Competence Center Helina Kikas explains what conditions a…

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Время упущено: несмотря на огромные убытки, в министерстве надеются найти покупателя на Nordica
2 English Postimees

Time is running out: Despite huge losses, the ministry hopes to find a buyer for Nordica

Nordica, which has suffered losses of over 27 million euros in the last year and a half, is desperately looking for a buyer. Unfortunately, due to the extremely poor financial performance, this task is becoming extremely difficult, and the airline co…

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«Счета за электричество могут взлететь до небес»: эксперт обратился с важным предупреждением
2 English Postimees

'Electricity Bills Could Skyrocket': Expert Issues Important Warning

Konrad Hanschmidt, co-founder of Gridio, a startup that harmonizes energy consumption, recommends choosing a fixed-price package ahead of the heating season. This advice should be ignored by larger consumers who have an electric car or a home battery…

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Средняя закупочная цена на молоко за год выросла на 4,3 процента
2 English Postimees

The average purchase price of milk has increased by 4.3 percent over the year

The average purchase price of milk in Estonia in August increased by 4.3 percent year-on-year to 414.23 euros per tonne.

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Микроурезание бюджета: основная нагрузка ляжет на наиболее уязвимые слои населения?
2 English Postimees

Micro-budget cuts: will the main burden fall on the most vulnerable segments of the population?

The Ministry of Finance sees the greatest opportunities for savings in reducing unemployment benefits and social benefits.

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Концерт Джастина Тимберлейка в Эстонии: цены на арендное жилье и номера в отелях взлетели до небес
2 English Postimees

Justin Timberlake Concert in Estonia: Rental Housing and Hotel Room Prices Skyrocket

Owners of rental apartments and hotels raise prices before concerts of world stars – Justin Timberlake and Imagine Dragons. The price of some apartments has increased by as much as ten times, and a price increase of three to five times is considered…

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Компания Nordica реорганизовала свою деятельность и вышла в прибыль
2 English Postimees

Nordica reorganizes its operations and becomes profitable

According to a statement from Nordic Aviation Group (NAG), since August last year the airline has focused on transforming its operations to overcome the issues that led to the previous difficulties. The focus has been on preventing flight cancellatio…

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Эксперт: ассоциирование кредитных карт исключительно с заимствованием денег – устаревший миф
2 English Postimees

Expert: Associating credit cards exclusively with borrowing money is an outdated myth

It is common to simply say that people carry a bank card in their wallet. But there are different types of cards – debit or credit. Kaspar Kork, Head of Retail Banking at Luminor in Estonia, explains the differences, advantages and disadvantages of t…

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Безработица в Эстонии снижается вопреки прогнозам
2 English Postimees

Unemployment in Estonia is falling contrary to forecasts

The number of unemployed in Estonia has been decreasing for the seventh week in a row, Rus.ERR reports.

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НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ ⟩ Приближается последний срок доплаты земельного налога
2 English Postimees

DON'T FORGET ⟩ The deadline for additional land tax payments is approaching

The Tax and Customs Board reminds that October 1, 2024 is the deadline for paying the second part of the land tax.

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Eften просит у акционеров разрешения увеличить уставной капитал на 30 млн евро
2 English Postimees

Eften asks shareholders for permission to increase share capital by 30 million euros

Eften Real Estate Fund AS is convening an extraordinary general meeting of shareholders on 16 October to request, among other things, a mandate to increase the share capital by EUR 30 million.

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Банк Эстонии: хорошие времена наступят еще не скоро, рост цен продолжится
2 English Postimees

Bank of Estonia: Good times are still a long way off, prices will continue to rise

According to the latest economic forecast of the Bank of Estonia, the economy has started to recover, but at a slow pace. On average, the economy will shrink slightly this year, but will grow by almost two percent next year and three percent in 2026.

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Компания airBaltic предлагает в Таллинне сорок вакансий для бортпроводников
2 English Postimees

airBaltic offers forty vacancies for flight attendants in Tallinn

airBaltic, the largest airline in the Baltics, continues to actively recruit staff.

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Известный производитель красок проводит массовые увольнения
2 English Postimees

Well-known paint manufacturer carries out mass layoffs

AkzoNobel, one of the world's best-known paint companies and maker of Dulux paint, announced on Tuesday it would cut 2,000 jobs, more than five percent of its total workforce.

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