After indexation (April 1) the average pension in Estonia will increase by 44 euros to 818 euros. Maximum wage of high high ranking government employees in Estonia will increase to 9720 euros gross per month, it will be received by President of Estonia Alar Karis, Speaker of Riigikogu Lauri Hussar and Chairman of the State Court Villu Kõve. And Prime Minister Kristen Mihal will receive 9,007 euros per
month from April, RusERR writes RusERR. Salaries of the highest public servants in Estonia are indexed similarly to pensions. The size of the index depends on 20% of the annual increase in the consumer price index and
on 80% of the change in the receipt of the pension insurance from the social tax. Last year the receipts from the social tax on pension insurance were 2,94 billion euros, which is 6.19% more than in 2023 (2.77 billion euros). Inflation in the
last year was 3.5%. So, from April the wages of higher government services and pensions will rise by 5.65%. The only difference from the past years is that in December 2023 the Coalition decided to slow the increase in wages of some public servants. Before 2028 year wages of some
civil servants will increase by half of the calculated index, and then its amount will
increase by the amount of the payment of the
temporaryincrease.The averageold-age pensionwill increaseby44eurosto818eurospermonth.Salariesofhighestoff1April2025year: