The number of employed foreigners in Poland is successively increasing. According to ZUS data, at the end of November 2024 year the social insurance system registered over 1.2 million foreigners. Although Ukrainians still dominate, the importance is gained by workers from South America and Asia. These changes are challenges,
which experts Smart Solutions HR are commenting on.
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firms intend to increase employment
New migration directions
For some years we have observed an influx of immigrants from Ukraine, however according to reports by the General Statistical Office, their share in the total number of foreigners working in Poland, is slowly decreasing for citizens of other countries – over the last two years decreased by 6 p. percentage (CSO). As follows from published in early January 2025 year. data of the Office for Aliens Affairs, still most applications for permission to stay in Poland are submitted by Ukrainians (286 tys. in 2024 year).
In fourth place, with number 18 tys of applications, is included Colombia, whose number of citizens in Poland is increasing. In the space of the last years the number of Colombians has increased almost 50 times. A huge increase in granted permits for work, because by 352%, has occurred on the break 2023 and 2024 years. In addition to positively processed applications for permission to work, the number of positive decisions on permanent or temporary permissions is also increasing. In 2024 year Colombians were issued about 3 thousand positive decisions on legal stay in Poland, compared to less than 1 thousand in 2023 year. Actually, in January 2025 year, already almost 300 applications by Colombian citizens have been successful, and there are over 1600 people waiting for evaluation. This number will most likely increase.
The second group of immigrants, whose number in Poland during the last few years has significantly increased, are Filipinos. In the first half of 2024 years, Filipinos were issued 20.5 thousand permits for work, compared to 13thousands in the whole 2023 year. Similar to the case of Colombians, the citizens of the Philippines also are waiting for decisions on wages. not only jobs, but also legal residence – in the last year there were 9 thousands of applications. applications. In January 2025 year about 300 persons received positive decisions.
-. Changes in the structure of employment of foreigners in Poland clearly show the growing role of workers from South America and Asia in our market – says Tetiana Hrynczyszyn, specialist ds. legalization at Smart Solutions. – From the perspective of legalization and work, this means the necessity of adapting administrative procedures to specific new groups migration. Increase in number of applications for permits for work and residence may result in longer time waiting for official decisions, which constitutes a challenge for both employers, and the candidates themselves – he explains.
New source of talent
– Markets South America, including Colombia and Argentina, are becoming and the most important source of new talent. Workers from these countries are quickly adapting to the requirements of the Polish market, and their commitment and high ethics of work help complete the staffing growing competition from Western Europe – comments Natalia Myskova, Head of Delivery Department in Smart Solutions.
Experts Smart Solutions point out, that employees from South America and Asia show high openness to acquire new skills and readiness for long-term cooperation, which makes their attractive candidates in the eyes of employers.
– After some years of active introducing employees from different countries we have observed, that employees from these regions have their good knowledge of the English language and high flexibility adaptation, which makes that they are willingly employed by Polish employers. Their experience in sectors such as production, logistics or services, makes they a valuable complement to the Polish labor market – translates Natalia Myskova.
Challenges in the employment
Employment of foreigners still involves numerous challenges. Complex visa procedures, long time waiting for permits to work and unclear regulations, may lead to delays in recruitment processes. Formal requirements and the necessity of adapting documentation to specific countries of origin of employees often constitute a barrier for enterprises.In addition differences cultural and language may affect the effectiveness of cooperation and integration in the workplace.
– support in legalization, simplification of visa processes, transparent procedures and improved adjustment of regulations and efficient communication with state institutions are key factors, which may contribute to the effective integration of new employees and ensure stability of employment in Poland – indicates Tetiana Hrynczyszyn. – Both entrepreneurs, as and administrative institutions should focus on creating solutions that enable faster adaptation of foreigners, which will positively affect their professional effectiveness and long-term engagement in the Polish labor market – adds.
Effective integration and management of diversity
Using the potential of employees from different countries fosters increased innovation, improving efficiency and increasing stability of teams. Poland’s economy, facing challenges related to the scarcity of skilled workers, and more effectively utilizes the attributes of international power. Mindfulmanagementofdiversityenablescompaniestobuildcompetitive strength,toenhancetrustandengageemployeesinachievingcommongoals.
Sourcesofdata:ZUS,GUS,OfficeforForeigner Affairs,processown.