Walking couriers in Russian megacities earn 10% more than a year ago, and auto couriers – 8%. Analysts from the job search and personnel selection service SuperJob examined the labor market in the courier delivery industry.
According to the results of the study, vacancies for delivery services increased by 1.7 times over the year (data for the Russian Federation as a whole). The number of resumes has not changed, but competition for vacancies has decreased by 40%. The average market earnings of foot couriers in megacities increased by 10% over the year, and of courier drivers by 8%.
In Moscow, the increase was 5 thousand rubles to the average market salary for a walking courier and a courier by car. The current maximum salary for a walking courier today was 130 thousand rubles, for a courier driver – 200 thousand rubles (+15 and 30 thousand rubles per year, respectively).
SuperJob: over the year, the vacation budget of Russians increased by 9%